cod. 05639

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia degli intermediari finanziari (SECS-P/11)
Type of training activity
69 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Combining theory and policy and starting from the functions of the
financial system, the course examines and explains financial markets,
financial institutions and challenges in the domain of financial
supervision. By the end of the program students will be able: -
(Knowledge and understanding) to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of
the topics indicated in the program; to understand the basic theoretical
principles and methodology that underlie the evolution of the financial
system and the main drivers of innovation (changing client needs,
regulation and technology);
- (Knowledge and understanding applied) to demonstrate the possession
of critical skills in understanding the financial system and its role in the
economy, looking at the financial markets, the financial intermediaries
and the main financial instruments;
- (Making judgments) to demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge
and manage the complexity of the financial context;
- (Communication skills) to be able to communicate clearly their
knowledge, to express considerations and conclusions also in relation to
practical cases; to demonstrate to have acquired, in the exposition of the
contents, argumentative coherence, logical-systematic rigor and
language properties;
- (Ability to learn) to demonstrate the ability to understand the
complexity of the financial phenomenon, as well as methodological and
learning skills that will allow it to continue in the study of the subject in
an autonomous way, also through a constant updating of its own skills.


None, without prejudice to any Department requirements. To take the
exam students are suggested to have attended first year lessons.

Course unit content

The course analyzes the role of financial system in order to evaluate the
structure and the evolution of Italian financial system. In this perspective
are analyzed financial needs, instruments, markets, institutions,
authorities and supervision policies of the financial system. The course
aims to illustrate the architecture and operation of financial systems, with
an emphasis on the functioning of the Italian and European systems.

Full programme

1) Functions and architecture of the financial system 2) Financial
infrastructures 3) Financial instruments 4) Financial markets 5) The role
of institutional investors 6) Banks 7) Non-banking financial institutions 8)
Insurance companies and financial conglomerates 9) Financial regulation
and supervision.


Gli strumenti finanziari e creditizi, a cura di Tagliavini G., Poletti L., Ronchini B., quarta edizione, McGraw-Hill, 2022.

Economia del sistema finanziario, a cura di Bocchialini E., Poletti L., Ronchini B., Tagliavini G., Giappichelli, 2021

Teaching methods

Lectures and exercises

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of students' learning entails a one hour written
examination only. The Knowledge of the topics of the course will be find
out by:
- 6 multiple-choice questions each evaluated 1 mark;
- 6 multiple-choice questions each evaluated 2 marks;
- 2 open questions each evaluated up to 6 marks.
The “lode” is awarded if the highest score is reached in every question.
For admission to exams candidates must have a valid piece of ID; for the
written exam a black ball-point pen is required. During the exam it is
forbidden to consult notes, slides, books, pocket calculators and any
other electronic devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, tablets,
The results of the exam will be published on the ESSE3 platform within 8
days of the test.
Applying knowledge will be find out by exercises. Communication skills,
making judgments and learning skills will be find out by analyzing the
answers to the 2 open questions cited above.
In order to obtain a score of 30/30 cum laude, the student have to
demonstrate to have achieved a level of excellence with regards to all
the descriptors (knowledge and understanding, knowledge and
understanding applied, making judgments, communication skills, ability
to learn).
At the discretion of the teacher, the final exam could be replaced by the
successful completion of two intermediate tests carried out during the course.

Other information

All the teaching material are uploaded on the Elly portal and are
downloadable for free. Note that they don't replace the textbook, but
supplement it at most.