cod. PR15708

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche generali, cliniche e pediatriche (MED/45)
Scienze infermieristiche
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
course unit

Integrated course unit module: General nursing I and bioethics

Learning objectives

At the end of the module the students will be able to know and understand:

- the generalities of the assistance process
the stages of the process in depth
- The importance of using the assistance process in nursing
- the qualities necessary for the nurse to successfully use the care process

- the meaning of critical thinking
- its importance in nursing
- the relationships between critical thinking and the nursing process

At the end of the "laboratory" part they will be able to:
Orient yourself in the use of the text "Nursing Diagnosis"
Recognize and know how to place the most significant data on the basis of Gordon models and be able to identify the main diagnoses and collaborative problems in relation to proposed care cases.


Course unit content

Full programme

Critical thinking

• What is critical thinking
• Attitudes of critical thinking
• Cognitive skills of critical thinking.

The phases of the care process:

• 1) Assessment, general concepts.
• Collection / validation / organization / recording of data
• Investigations relating to specific areas
• critical thinking in the assessment phase

2) The diagnostic reasoning

The diagnostic language
• Standard Nursing Languages
• The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA)
• Choice of problem name
• Structure of the diagnostic statements
• Think critically about the content of diagnostic statements
• Recording of nursing diagnoses
• critical thinking in the diagnostic reasoning phase

3) Planning of results, general concepts
• Purpose of the statement of the results
Statement of the expected results
• Classification of nursing outcomes
• critical thinking in the results planning phase

4) The planning of assistance interventions

• Nursing interventions / prescriptions
• Critical thinking in planning
• critical thinking in the planning phase of interventions

5) the implementation of assistance interventions
• critical thinking in the implementation phase

6) Evaluation

• General characteristics of the evaluation
• Evaluation in the nursing process
• critical thinking in the evaluation phase


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Teaching methods

frontal lesson and group work

Assessment methods and criteria

Part relating to lectures:
Written test:
- multiple choice questions
- sentences to be arranged in logical order
- open questions with short answers
Part relating to the laboratory:
work in small groups on proposed care cases

Other information