Career prospects

The nurse is the health professional responsible for general nursing care, preventive, curative, palliative and rehabilitative nursing care and technical, relational, educational care.
Function in a work context:
The main functions are disease prevention, care of the sick and disabled of all ages and health education.
 The nurse:
a) participates in the identification of the health needs of the person and the community;
b) identifies the nursing care needs of the person and the community and formulates the relevant objectives;
c) plans, manages and evaluates the nursing care intervention;
d) ensures the correct application of diagnostic and therapeutic prescriptions;
e) acts both individually and in cooperation with other health and social workers;
f) in the performance of the functions, if necessary, makes use of the work of support staff;

Professional career possibilities:
The nurse carries out his or her professional activity in public or private health care hospitals, in health care companies such as the ASL in Italy, in private clinics, in home care centres, and home care health services, in a dependent or self-employed capacity; directly contributing to professional development, research and prevention. In fact, the nurse can also work as a freelance professional, after having registered with the Professional Order (O.P.I.) of the province to which he or she belongs.