cod. 1007733

Academic year 2023/24
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Disegno (ICAR/17)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand
The student through the correct application of the conceptual tool of the survey, understood as an open system of knowledge, must be able to get to know and interpret architecture in its formal, material and technological-constructive components. The survey is in fact the main tool for knowledge and analysis of architecture, identifying its transformative vocations and, in its various geometric and thematic components, it is an indispensable element for the elaboration of the restoration and conservation projects of the existing architectural heritage, and starting point for all architectural projects of recovery and functional reuse.
The course aims to consolidate in the student the knowledge of the integrated detection methods aimed at overcoming the problems related to the geometric and thematic architectural survey, such as to enable him to plan the survey, execute it and represent it graphically in a correct way, finalizing the operations to acquisition and elaboration of the critical, historical, technical and operational aspects, to which the survey itself can be destined.
Judgment autonomy
The student must learn to know and interpret, through the survey, the object of study in order to conscientiously elaborate a responsible architectural intervention in accordance with the different categories of intervention aimed at a suitable functional reuse compatible with the characteristics of the architecture investigated.
Communication skills
The student must be able to translate the complexity of the existing architecture, in its geometric-dimensional and thematic aspects (material, diagnostic, etc.) into appropriate graphic models.


Attendance of the integrated course of Analysis of existing architecture (second year of ARS) or of the Architectural Survey course (previous regulations).

Course unit content

The topics covered in the lectures, after a brief reference to the different types and instruments of survey, will essentially concern:
- the representation of the territorial and urban framework of the surveyed architecture;
- the peculiarities of the geometrical survey and thematic contents, with particular reference to rules and codes for the representation of materials, such as informative integration about the consistency of the investigated architecture;
- the problems of a correct and punctual graphic representation of all the aspects useful for a thorough knowledge of the analyzed architecture, including those relating to the dating of the elements;
- the presentation of some exemplary case studies of the concepts and principles exposed in relation to the issues previously indicated.

Full programme

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M. Docci, G. Maestri, Il rilevamento architettonico – Storia metodi e disegno, Bari 1984.
C. Mezzetti (a cura di), La rappresentazione dell'architettura: storia, metodi, immagini, Edizioni Kappa, Roma, 2000
G. Cento, Rilievo edilizio architettonico, Vitali e Ghianda, Genova, 1959.
J. P. Saint Aubin, Il rilievo e la rappresentazione dell'architettura, Bergamo 1999.

Teaching methods

The course will take place partly through lectures and partly through revisions of the documents produced by students on the topics assigned and agreed within the integrated course of Analysis and design for the recovery of the built.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam consists of the presentation of the graphics prepared on the topics agreed within the integrated course, considered as evidence of the successful training intended as a critical ability to select the most appropriate survey techniques, representation and critical analysis.

Other information

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