cod. 1006223

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
"altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro"
Type of training activity
12 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Training of the student on safety in the workplace


Not any

Course unit content

D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008, n. 81
Testo coordinato con il D.Lgs. 3 agosto 2009, n. 106
The on-line training course is divided into three parts to be completed in succession through personal computers or video terminals in the Department:
Module 1: general training (4 hours) - general contents, common to all categories of students;
Module 2: specific low risk training (4 hours) - specific content for categories of students with a low risk profile;
Module 3: specific medium risk training (4 hours) - specific contents for categories of students with a medium risk profile

Full programme

D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008, n. 81
Testo coordinato con il D.Lgs. 3 agosto 2009, n. 106


D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008, n. 81
Testo coordinato con il D.Lgs. 3 agosto 2009, n. 106

Teaching methods

The university considered it appropriate to use e-learning training technologies. To be able to follow the course, each student must be connected to the address:, and log in according to the instructions on the homepage of the portal, on which all the information necessary for registration, tutorials, and contact information for support and assistance.

Assessment methods and criteria

Proficiency test at the end of the e-learning course
Once the online procedure is completed successfully, the attendance certificate of each module of the course will be edited by the student who can do it independently.

Other information

Students must submit the completed forms to their teacher before entering the laboratory. Students without a certificate will not be allowed access to the laboratories. A copy of the certificate must also be submitted to the Student Secretariat Office in order to validate the 1 credit on their transcript records.