cod. 1001144

Academic year 2020/21
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
Tirocini formativi e di orientamento
Type of training activity
100 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The Professional training “TIROCINIO” provided for the end of the 1st year of the course the student has to choose between a system of production (milk, meat, eggs) and / or sports (horse breeding). During this activity, the student must take note of the main problems of organization and management that the breeding system puts in daily


Before the internship, the student must have successfully attended and taken the examination of the course on Safety in the work places.

Course unit content

The internship is an individual training activity, aimed at acquiring specific professional skills in the disciplines foreseen by the Class declaration. For each internship activated (both external and internal to the University), a specific TRAINING project is drawn up and signed in accordance with the standard scheme approved by the Academic Bodies. To ensure that the graduates of the L-38 class "zootechnical sciences and animal production technologies" are able to work professionally on all aspects of the zootechnical and agro-industrial system, the training activity is quantified in 14 CFU divided into the three years of course. The activity of TRAINING is carried out at the end of the second semester of each year in affiliated companies operating in the zootechnical and agro-zootechnical sector, as well as in companies that process and sell animal products, in the breeding and use of animals in sports or work destination and in the management of wild populations.
During the internship experience the student will have to fill in a diary form, on which he / she will take care to note daily the hours of activities carried out. The diary form must be countersigned by the company tutor for attestation of attendance and activity carried out. At the end of the training period at the facility, the company tutor will formulate a summary assessment of the activities carried out by the trainee. It will be the responsibility of the academic tutor to formulate the final judgment of the activity carried out at the structure; in the case of traineeships carried out at an external structure, the final judgment will be formulated based on the evaluation expressed by the contact person. The assignment of the CFU related to the Internship will be carried out at the end of each period on condition that the judgment expressed by the academic tutor is positive.
The diary form must be delivered to the Student Secretariat at the end of each internship period.
Duration of the Internship: the TRAINING SCHOLARSHIP of 14 credits, equal to 350 hours, of which 4 for the first year and 5 for the second and third.
The distribution of the TRAINING INTERNSHIP in the three years of the course aims to encourage a gradual approach of the students to the world of work and to put each student in a position to identify areas of work appropriate to their attitudes.

Full programme

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The Professional training “TIROCINIO” activity does not provide reference texts.

Teaching methods

The practical internship, both internal and external to the University structure, includes the figure of a company TUTOR. The company TUTOR is the Director of the Department, in the case of an internal internship, or a professional. The professional can assume this function provided that he performs a managerial function within the venue in which the Internship is carried out. The company Tutor is entrusted with the task of verifying that the objectives established in the training project are carried out with competence and professionalism. At the end of the training period at the facility, the company tutor will make a summary assessment of the activities performed by the trainee. It will be the responsibility of the academic tutor (teacher of the course) of the internship to formulate the final judgment of the activity carried out at the structure; in the case of an internship carried out at an external structure, the final judgment will be formulated based on the evaluation expressed by the company tutor.
The attribution of the CFU relative to the Internship will be carried out at the end of each period provided that the judgment expressed by the academic tutor is positive.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the internship experience, the student must fill out a diary card, on which he will take care to note the hours od daily activities. The diary card must be countersigned by the company tutor for the certification of attendance and activity carried out. At the end of the training period at the property, the tutor will formulate a judgment synthetic evaluation on the activities carried out by the trainee. It is the responsibility of the academic tutor to make the final judgment of the activity at the property in the case of training with an external structure, the final judgment will be made based on the assessment made by the company tutor. The allocation of credits related to the Internship will be carried out at the end of each period, provided that the opinion expressed by the academic tutor is positive.
The diary card must be delivered to the Secretary Office at the end of each period of internship.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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