cod. 1003991

Academic year 2022/23
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia aziendale (SECS-P/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
70 hours
of face-to-face activities
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course consists of two parts: public management and organization.The aim of the course is to identify the characteristics of management, organization and economic measurement of all the organization that provide services without economic exchange. The scope of the course is to provide reference outlines for understanding the decision-making methods of political and technical bodies. The course examines the main processes of change that over recent years have characterized the Italian public administration. The course also deals with the topics of assessment and financing of public entities, as reference criteria for understanding the reforms of the public sector. In second part the course aims to describe the fundamental characteristics of
an organization. Identifies the elements of an organizational system and define the various organizational case. It analyzes the organizational change in relation whit the environment and institutional purposes.
The course thus achieves the following education aims:
I) Knowledge and understanding. Knowledge of decision and management processes inside public entities, comprehension of public entities measurement systems, identification of particular changing process and connected criticalities. Knowledge of organizations’ systemic analysis and specific elements, knowledge of organizational integration and types of organizational structure. Knowledge of organizational planning.
II) Applying knowledge and understanding. At the end of the class, the student should be able to understand the different kinds of public entities and organizational structures and to recognize the various criticalities in the changing process. The student will be able to understand the essentials of a public balance sheet and to describe all an organization’s elements.
III) Making judgements. The student will be able to analyze the main characteristic of decision process in public entities and defining the main elements of an organization.
IV) Communication skills. The students will be able to speak correctly with public managers and to express properly about organizational models
V) Learning skills. The student will be able to understand in depth the analysis and planning process in public entities.



Course unit content

The course will go into the following aspects in depth:
1. Definition of public entity
2. The system of Public Entities: the public sector and levels of government
3. The Autonomy model: organizational autonomy and financial autonomy
4. The concept of cost-effectiveness
5. Financing: criteria and methods of transfer
6. The process of change in public administrations
7. Public management
8. Programming and control
9. Public businesses
10. Non-profit concerns
11. Accounting of Public Bodies: basic elements. Furthermore, with reference to the program of business organization:
Program Course Description:
1. key features of a business organization;
2. human behavior within organizations;
3. The individual actors (preferences, knowledge, perceptions, motivations, decisions);
4. the organizational culture;
5. the power and leadership;
6. groups of people and group dynamics;
7. organizational types;
8. Organization and stakeholders;
9. design the organization;
10. interorganizational networks;
11. organization and governance;
12. organizing for innovation and change.

Full programme


Zangrandi A., Aziende pubbliche, Egea, 2019
Jones G., Organizzazione, Egea (ultima edizione disponibile)

Teaching methods

Lectures and case study discussions.
With cases sudy we want to support the ability to apply knowledge and independence of judgment.
With the frontal lessons the knowledge and skills to learn..

Assessment methods and criteria

The examination is in two parts. The first one to verify the basic knowledge will be carried out with a test multiple choice. The students who correctly answer 66% continues the test.
The second part has this nature:
a) To assess "knowledge and understanding": open questions related to
the theoretical framework
b) To assess applying "knowledge and understanding": open questions
related to cases study
c) To assess "making judgements": questions about the assessment of facts related to the processes of change taking place in public companies
d) The ability to communicate with the “appropriate technical language” will be assessed in the whole context of the examination.
The assess is write mode. The response time is indicated for each question. The assess takes place in written form with questions related to the program. The time is determined for each question in relation to the complexity.
Only for those attending the course, the slides are available before lesson n the Elly system.
Only for those attending the course it’s scheduled a mid-term test
The evaluation of the course is from 0 to 30 and praise is assigned to all the precise and with language properties.
The questions on the characteristics of the public budget must obtain at least 18/30 to be able to pass the test. The final grade is published in esse3. Devices such as smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, etc. are strictly forbidden.

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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