cod. 1009237

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Zootecnica speciale (AGR/19)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
24 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: -
course unit

Learning objectives

Students will acquire deep understanding on what animal welfare is and why it is matter. Students will develop skills in assessing welfare in livestock using the most recent welfare assessment tools developed around the world. Animal welfare indicators will be described along with new technologies developed for monitoring animal behaviour and welfare. Particular emphasis will be given on animal welfare issues (i.e. housing and management, transportation, stunning and killing), and using scenario based learning the students will learn how to minimise stress and sufferance of the animals during those phases of life. Students will become familiar with the current European regulations on animal care ‘from farm to fork’ and with the most common infringements of the European laws. The nexus between animal health and welfare, human health and wellbeing and environment will be also described. Therefore, at the end of the course students will be able to identify all possible hazards and risk factors for poor animal and human health and welfare.


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Course unit content

• Animal welfare definition
• Animal welfare assessment tools
• Animal welfare issues (housing and management, transport, stunning and killing)
• Identification and analysis of the main hazards/stressors during animal production life
• Most common zoonosis: nexus between welfare and immune system
• Nexus between animal welfare and food quality
• The European Union legislation on animal welfare
• Risk assessment (risk factors for poor welfare, health and productivity from birth to slaughter)

Full programme

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Teaching methods

Face-to-face lectures, scientific seminaries, on farm visits, tutorials, scenario-based learning, problem-based learning

Assessment methods and criteria

This course is part of the integrated subject "RISK ANALYSIS IN THE FOOD CHAIN AND ANIMAL WELFARE” which also includes "RISK ANALYSIS IN ANIMAL WELFARE ". Final grading of the entire integrated course is calculated as an average of the scores obtained in the two courses of "RISK ANALYSIS IN ANIMAL WELFARE" and "MICROBIAL GENOMICS FOR RISK ANALYSIS". The examination commission includes teachers of both courses.

The oral examination will verify the theoretical and applicative knowledges of the student. Particularly positive will be evaluated the ability to move within the different topics and the achievement of an organic knowledge of the topics presented during the lessons.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student's office

E. segreteria.scienzealimenti@unipr.it 

Quality assurance service 

Course quality assurance manager:
Dott.ssa Caterina Scopelliti
T. +39 0521 905969
E. service didattica.scienzealimenti@unipr.it
E. manager caterina.scopelliti@unipr.it

Course President

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi
E. tullia.tedeschi@unipr.it 

Deputy Course President

Prof.ssa Valentina Bernini
E. valentina.bernini@unipr.it 


Delegate for guidance

Prof.ssa Emanuela Zanardi
E. emanula.zanardi@unipr.it 

Delegate for career guidance

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot
E. francesca.bot@unipr.it  

Delegate for tutoring

Prof.ssa Emanuela Zanardi
E. emanuela.zanardi@unipr.it 

Member of the International student mobility commission

Prof. Francesco Martelli
E. francesco.martelli@unipr.it  

Responsible for Course Quality Assurance (RAQ)

Prof.ssa Chiara Dall'Asta
E. chiara.dallasta@unipr.it


Contact person for students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties,(SpLD) or vulnerable groups

Prof.ssa Marilena Musci
E. marilena.musci@unipr.it 


Delegates for internships

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi - Unipr
E. tullia.tedeschi@unipr.it 

Prof.ssa Paola Battilani - Università Sacro Cuore PC
E. paola.battilani@unipr.it

Prof. Pietro Rocculi - Unibo
E. pietro.rocculi3@unibo.it  

Prof. Emilio Stefani - Unimore
E. emilio.stefani@unipr.it

Prof. Nicola Marchetti - Unife
E. nicola.marchetti@unipr.it