Learning objectives
The Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Sustainable Planning Studio aims to provide the student learning of advanced knowledge about the main methods of urban, regional and landscape planning and the acquisition of technical knowledge for setting up of urban, regional and landscape plans.
The student must develop the ability to critically evaluate purposes and methods of urban, regional and landscape planning, and to identify the most appropriate planning solutions to solve urban, regional and landscape problems in a given local context.
The Core Studio aims to broaden the skills already acquired in the Urban Planning Studio for the Sustainable City of the first year of the Second Cycle Degree in Architecture and City Sustainability, addressing experimental planning techniques, with particular attention to environmental and economic sustainability and regeneration of the existing city and landscape.
At the end of the Core Studio the student should have acquired an adequate command of the language with regard to the topics covered, as well as a good ability of critical evaluations of argument expressed in reference to the texts and plans covered in class.
It is strongly recommended to have attended the Urban Planning Studio for the Sustainable City in the first year of the Second Cycle Degree in Architecture and City Sustainability.
Course unit content
See the corresponding entry of the other modules of Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Sustainable Planning Studio:
Urban, Regional and Landscape Regeneration;
Urban and Regional Planning for Adapting to Climate Change;
Geographical Information Systems;
Environmental and Landscape Assessment;
Feasibility Study for Plans and Projects;
Sustainable Mobility;
Environmental and Landscape Survey.
Full programme
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See the corresponding entry of the other modules of Core Urban, Regional and Landscape Sustainable Planning Studio.
Teaching methods
The theoretical part of the course will be articulated through: lectures with audio-visual supports, while the technical content will be objects of discussions in a seminar format.
The application part of the course will be developed through individual or group activities that will conclude with a collective discussion on the results that students will have achieved.
Assessment methods and criteria
The assessment of the Core Studio will be carried out through:
- the preparation of individual or group work that will focus on the analysis and planning tools for the urban, regional or landscape regeneration of a specific territory selected in agreement with the teachers;
- the final interview exam.
Final assessment will be carried out through an oral examination on the contents of the lessons.
The individual or group work provides for the preparation of a technical-scientific report aimed at the preparation of the degree thesis, of at least 100 pages (with graphic elaborations), concerning a theme agreed with the teachers of the Core Studio.
The report, whose title must be identified by the end of the first semester, must contain the index, the objectives, the methodological schemes, a summary of the research contents, the planning graphic elaborations, as well as the bibliography consulted and suggested.
For the assessment exam, the score will be determined as follows:
Group work 60%, divided as follows:
diligence and task focus 5%;
accuracy of the assessments made 45%;
ability in graphics and statement 10%;
Oral exam 40%, divided as follows:
theoretical correctness 30%;
property and clarity 10%.
Other information
It is highly recommended to attend the course.
At the end of the individual or group works, the students will synthesize the results of their activities in posters that will be presented and discussed in the workshop on the issues of urban teaching that will take place at the end of the academic year.
2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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