Learning objectives
Know and know how to apply methods, tools and sources for the management of basic urban surveys in order to build the cognitive framework for an urban or territorial plan.
Course unit content
Introduction on the themes and topics of the urban planning discipline
Notes on the historical evolution of the city in the Western countries
Cartography as a tool of knowledge of the territory
Informative tools to manage urban and territorial surveys: Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
The techniques of investigation of the territory and its phenomena. Primary and secondary urban planning surveys.
Physical and environmental investigations
Historical investigations
Social investigations: anthropic factors, building factors and kinematic factors
Landscape surveys
Structural urban elements. The urban units. Elements of urban morphology
Insights and examples
Teaching materials (slides and notes) will be available on the Elly platform (http:/elly.dia.unipr.it).
Main Reference:
A. Mercandino, "Urbanistica Tecnica. Pianificazione generale", Il Sole 24 ore, 2006
Further readings:
R. Busi e L. Zavanella, La classificazione funzionale delle strade, EGAF Edizioni, Forlì, 2002
V. Columbo, "La ricerca urbanistica" (2 vol.), Giuffrè, Milano, 1982
K. Lynch, L’immagine della città, Marsilio, 2001
L. Mumford, “La città nella storia”, 3 voll., Bompiani , Milano, 1977 (ed. or. 1961).
V. Romani, “Il Paesaggio. Percorsi di studio”, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2008
E. Sereni, “Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano”, Laterza, 2006
M. Tiboni, “La prospettiva dello sviluppo sostenibile. Pianificare per la sicurezza la città e il territorio”, Sintesi Editrice, Brescia, 2002
M. Tira, “Pianificare la città sicura”, Ed. Librerie Dedalo, Roma, 1997
P. Ventura, “La città nuova. Elementi di progettazione urbanistica”, McGraw-Hill, 2018
Teaching methods
The course consists of theoretical lessons and practical assignments. The course includes exercises aimed at the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software in the field of urban analysis.
Assessment methods and criteria
Written and/or oral evaluation of the level of knowledge acquired on the theoretical topics addressed in the course and on practical exercises.