cod. 1007721

Academic year 2021/22
2° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

The History of Architecture and Restoration plays a fundamental role in the intellectual education and professional practice of every architect: the major aim of the course is to enable students to make critical judgments, to have historical and bibliographic instruments to be able to analyse and understand movements, effects and protagonists (architects, artists, patrons, benefits, etc.) of this fundamental period (first Dublin Descriptor). To achieve this aim it’s necessary to always use multiple approaches and different methods of analysis (second Dublin Descriptor). Undergraduates should be able: to use the acquired knowledge to make personal and mature judgements (third Dublin Descriptor); to use the appropriate technical language (fourth Dublin Descriptor); to establish logical connections between topics; to read the complexity of architecture and restoration (fifth Dublin Descriptor).


Course unit content

The institutional task of the course is to provide the students with a general outline of the vicissitudes of Western Architecture between the Fifteenth and Nineteenth centuries, intertwining them with the history of architectural restoration theories and practices. It is the time frame in which the world and the sensitivity of the modern and contemporary age develop, a wide and varied period that transforms the way of interpreting the present and the past, also through a changed role of architecture in society.

Full programme


See bibliography of formative modules

Teaching methods

Teacher orientated lessons with slides and documentary films; possibility to visit monumental sites and restoration yards; possibility of seminars with external experts.
Attendance is highly recommended because contents of the course are necessary to acquire the knowledge and competences to attend proficiently numerous following exams. Students unable to attend (with certificate reasons such as work) have to contact the teacher to agree on a proper bibliography.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam with the request of elementary graphic examples and discussion about images. The first questions are aimed at verifying the knowledge of the basic subjects of the program and the elementary connection skills between them (Dublin Descriptors first-third). The second group of questions will evaluate in detail the degree of: autonomy of judgment; mastery of disciplinary terminology (fourth Descriptor); of autonomous and original in-depth analysis in the connection of phenomena and readings of the complexity of architecture and its restoration(fifth Descriptor).
The final result is the weighted average of the marks obtained in the questions related to the two modules.

Other information

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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