cod. 1008741

Academic year 2020/21
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Medicina legale (MED/43)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The main purpose of the course is to provide new knowledge during a journey of consciousness and maturity so that students reasons and actions will be supported by their heart and brain.
Starting with a mutual careful listening, and researching of the needs expressed and unexpressed of the person. For each student will become essential to measure their own relational ability and project skills; which will help them to mature.
During the course the theoretical activities will always be joined to real cases.


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Course unit content

Il corso si articolerà in una serie di monografie che caratterizzano alcune tematiche divenute oggi, nell’operatività quotidiana dell’AS, di grande rilevanza.
Gli studenti saranno condotti a sviluppare una riflessione globale che si dipana attraverso un percorso teorico, che nel corso delle lezioni diventa via via sempre più pratico ed attuativo sino ad approdare ad una analisi guidata di casi reali ed alla realizzazione di un progetto assistenziale multidisciplinare ed interistituzionale della casistica analizzata e studiata.

Full programme

1) Abuse, violence and child abuse:
prevention, detection and therapeutic treatment:
- Classification, epidemiology and type of violence;
- History and physical examination;
- Children protection: clinical, social and ethical aspects;
- Penal Code, art. 403 Civil Code;
- Clinical cases;

2) Gender violence:
- Classification, epidemiology and type of gender violence;
- History and physical examination;
- Cycle of violence;
- Protection of women: clinical, social and ethical aspects;
- Penal Code;
- Clinical cases;

3) Elder abuse:
- Classification, epidemiology and type of violence elder violence;
- History and physical examination;
- Protection of the elderly victim of violence: clinical, social and ethical aspects;
- Penal Code, report-report;
- Clinical cases;

4) Assisting the elderly chronic "non-self-sufficient":
- Definition of the phenomenon;
- Space - time - relationships - meaning - suffering;
- Border problems;
- Protection of the elderly chronic non-self-sufficient:
clinical, social and ethical aspects;
- Clinical cases;

5) The health of immigrants:
- Definition of immigrant and study of the phenomenon;
- Regular immigrants, illegal, clandestine;
- Laws
- National and regional health planning;
- The health of immigrants between collective security and right to the person;
- The right to health which is inalienable and indivisible right;
- Clinical cases;

6) Pervasive developmental disorders: Autism:
- Classification, epidemiology and type of autism;
- From the "refrigerator mother" to the theory of genetic disease;
- Diagnostic criteria, risk factors, comorbidities;
- Verbal and non-verbal communication;
- Social welfare projects in the case of autism;
- Clinical cases.


1) K. TARO GREENFELD, Fratello unico, Milano, Piemme, 2010
2) CHARLENE LUNNON, LISA HOODLESS, Le bambine silenziose, Newton Compton Editori, 2011.
3) W. ANDRAGHETTI, Diario di un pedofilo, Eretica-stampa Alternativa, 1996.
4) D. PELZER, Un bambino chiamato cosa, Milano, Sonzogno, 1999.
5) S. DARDENNE, Avevo 12 anni, ho preso la bici e sono partita per andare a scuola, Milano, Bompiani
6) F. MONTECCHI (a cura di), I maltrattamenti e gli abusi sui bambini - Prevenzione e individuazione precoce, Milano, Franco Angeli, 1998.
7) J. MYERSON, Il figlio perduto, storia di una madre, Torino, Eiunaudi, 2010.
8) J. SANGHERA, Il sentiero dei sogni luminosi, Milano, Piemme, 2010.
9) S. SHAKIB, Il sussurro della montagna proibita, Milano, Piemme, 2010.
10) F. GEDA, Nel mare ci sono coccodrilli. Storia vera di Enaiatollah Akbari, Milano, Baldini Castoldi Dalai, 2010.
11) C. BRÈHAT " Ho amato un manipolatore" ed. Bompiani Overlook.
12) A. SCARFÒ con C. ZAGARIA "Malanova" ed. Sperling e Kupfer.
13) P. MOLTENI "Voci dal silenzio" ed. Franco Angeli

Teaching methods

Every lesson of the course always begins with a listening of songs, texts or by watching videos concerning the topic of the day. After this every student have to write on a paper, in an anonymous form, free thoughts about him/herself..
This part of the lesson is called "first".
Done this the real lesson can begin with the projecting of power point concerning the pure theoretical elements (clinical description, laws, regulation, international scientific discussions, etc.) and case analysis.
Each lesson will be conducted in an interactive way and with the participation of everybody, with the help of video projections or experts who will support the teacher.
During the lesson, the class will discuss about the general issues concerning every topic and it will gradually connect with the project of real and available solutions, according to the outline of objectives and actions, divided in short, medium and long term.
There will be group work and workshop. With the aim to provide the opportunity for each student to be able to measure up in the project of autonomous solution to the real problems raised during the lessons.
At the end of the lesson will be read a final text to conclude the lesson with reflections, even in this case the students will write always anonymously their thoughts and emotions that the lesson has aroused in them.
This part of the lesson is called "after".

Assessment methods and criteria

Every week students have to read one text among those suggested in the reference texts, to view one film suggested by the teacher and to listen to one music cd.
The following lesson, students have to deliver three short reports on what they read, seen and heard.
These reports are comments essentially concerning the topics discussed in class.
The final exam have a written part (a project) and an oral discussion.
The discussion will be a debate with the teacher who starting from the essence of the project, will range across all the topics treated during the lessons.
At the end of the examination its hoped that the student has acquired the ability to join professional skills, interdisciplinary thought and humanization of the other.

The checks will evaluate:
-the knowledge acquired by the student concerning the course.
-the ability to make appropriate link between this and other disciplines.
- The ability to identify the relevant factors on which to base their judgments on the issues and problems faced and discussed in class.
- The ability to apply the knowledge learned to their contexts of training and professional experience.
The final assessment is considered appropriate if the student demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts and issues discussed in class, as well as an adequate ability to make connections and reflect on what he or she has learn.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office


Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Dott.ssa Francesca Nori
T. +39 0521 034581
Manager E.

President of the degree course

Prof.ssa Paola Torretta

Faculty advisor

Prof.ssa Vincenza Pellegrino

Carrer guidance delegate

Prof.ssa Chiara Scivoletto


Erasmus delegates

Prof.ssa Stefania Fucci

Quality assurance manager

Prof.ssa Susanna Palladini