cod. 07195

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Cristina ZERBINI
Academic discipline
Economia e gestione delle imprese (SECS-P/08)
Type of training activity
49 hours
of face-to-face activities
7 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

a.Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, the students will have acquired skills in the field of international marketing, gaining the ability to master both theoretical and applicative concepts. In particular, the students will have developed knowledge of:
•The Scope and Challenge of International Marketing
•The Dynamics of International Business
•Cultural Dynamics in International Marketing
•The International Political and Legal Environment
•International Marketing Strategies
•Developing Consumer Products for International Markets
•The International Distribution System
•The International Advertising, Promotion and Personal Selling
•Pricing for International Markets
These results, in terms of knowledge and understanding, will be achieved through the combined use of monographic lectures and seminars held by business operators.
b. Applying knowledge and understanding
The students will be able to apply the most appropriate methodological tools to analyze the different cultural contexts. At the end of the course, the students will have a complete view of the problems of international marketing and will have acquired skills of applied comprehension, analytical ability and problem solving. The ability to apply the knowledge gained will be done through critical reflection on the themes proposed for self-study, the study of specific case studies and team works.
c. Making judgements
At the end of the course, the students will be able to apply the acquired analytical tools to analyze and interpreter the relevant phenomena in the international marketing. The ability of making judgments will be stimulated promoting the ability to develop an individual process of reflection and interpretation of phenomena. The students will be enabled to take strategic decisions and to identify operational solutions, compared to the various problems of international marketing.
d. Communication skills
During the course the students will be encouraged to acquire adequate communication skills. They will be asked to transfer in a clear and effective way information and concepts related to specific issues of international marketing. Specifically, they will be asked to prepare brief papers, or provide an oral summary on specific topics, also with the aid of information technology tools and media.
e. Learning skills
At the end of the course the students will have gained the ability to expand, update and deepen the knowledge acquired from lessons and course textbooks. The presentation of case studies and guided discussion of hot topics will aim to stimulate intellectual curiosity and willingness to update


Course unit content

The course aims to investigate the changes which have recently occurred and those ongoing in the international competition, highlighting the impact on the different national and regional contexts. A particular emphasis is given to the increasing need for companies to develop effective marketing strategies in the global context: this is as true for the big ones that are already operating on a global scale, as well as for small and medium sized enterprises which operate in geographical niches.
At a conceptual level, the aim is to convey the importance and richness of cultural, social and economic differences, as well as the related opportunities.
At the operational level, the tools to assess the global market and carry out business will be provided.

Full programme


Bertoli, G., & Valdani, E. (2018). Marketing internazionale. Milan: Egea.
Slides used in class during the lessons (made available on the Elly platform).
Any in-depth material provided by the Professor (made available on the Elly platform).
Video recordings of the lessons or other equivalent audio-video material will be uploaded weekly on the Elly platform.

Teaching methods

Acquisition of knowledge: frontal lessons.
Acquisition of the ability to apply the methodologies of analysis: discussion of business cases in the classroom.
Acquisition of autonomy of judgment: analysis of cases with impact on international economics and business marketing management.
Acquisition of learning skills: discussions of business cases and international economics events/news will stimulate the analysis of the context and the identification of appropriate solutions.
Acquisition of technical language: the meaning of terms commonly used in business will be explained during the course.

Lectures will be held in presence and in live streaming.
The video-recordings of the lessons will be made available for 15 days from the date of the recording.
The slides used to support the lessons will be uploaded weekly on the Elly platform.
The slides are considered an integral part of the teaching material.
Non-attending students are reminded to check the available didactic material and the indications provided by the teacher through the Elly platform.

Assessment methods and criteria

The knowledge and the ability to understand, the ability to apply knowledge, the autonomy of judgment and the ability to learn will be verified with n. 2 open-ended questions in case of oral exam (in case of health emergency) and n. 3 open-ended questions in the case of a written exam (if the health situation will allow the return in presence).
The ability to communicate with appropriate technical language will be assessed by evaluating the correct use of expressions/ technical terms within the answers to the questions above.
30 with honors will be awarded to those particularly deserving students who, in addition to having met the requirements necessary to obtain the full evaluation, in the course of the test have shown an overall appreciable systematic knowledge of the subject, an excellent ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the specific problem in question, a considerable autonomy of judgment, as well as a special care in the formal drafting of the paper.
In the event of a health emergency, the verification of learning will take place electronically (oral exam, Teams platform) with 2 open questions (for each the score ranges from 0 to 15). The duration of the oral exam is 15-20 minutes.
If the health situation allows the return in the presence, the verification of learning will be in written mode with 3 open questions (for each the score ranges from 0 to 10). The duration of the written test is 1 hour.
The test results will be published on the ESSE3 portal.
In the event of an oral exam, the student will be allowed to use only the device (phone, tablet or computer) necessary for taking the exam.
In case of written test, the student will be allowed to have only the student card / identity document and a pen.
Please note that online registration for the exam is MANDATORY both in the case of a written test and in the case of an oral exam.

Other information