cod. 1003152

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia giuridica, della devianza e mutamento sociale (SPS/12)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The classes will provide some interpretative tools, based on empirical data about the italian prisons system. The lessons will be present also the Restorative Justice Model. Some speakers ( professionals, social and juridical workers) will be invited to participate in the class.


A basic knowledge about penal and prison italian law is requested. Students of Social Work Degree are required to have passed the exam of Penal Law. Students of Law Degree are required to have passed for exam of Penal Law 1.At the beginning of the classes, the professor will take care to the different study areas of students attending the classes, due the eligibility of the course. Any case, the professor will give a specific bibliography to students who need to improve the pre-requested skills.

Course unit content

Classes will be oriented to present the origin of the scientific interest about criminality. The lessons will be expecially dedicated to the origin of the modern penal treatment models , especially to Restorative Justice (RJ) and the matters of italian prison system.

Full programme

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- Mannozzi G., Lodigiani G.A., Giustizia Riparativa. Formanti, parole e metodi, Giappichelli, Milano, 2017.
- Vianello F., Sociologia del carcere. Un'introduzione, Carocci, Roma nuova edizione, 2019.
Suggested books are also:
- Bortolato M., Vigna E., Vendetta pubblica, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2020.
- Lizzola I, Oltre la pena. L'incontro oltre l'offesa, Castelvecchi, Roma, 2020.
- Patrizi P., La giustizia riparativa. Psicologia e diritto per il benessere di persone e comunità, Carocci, Roma, 2020.

Others booksand/or essays will be suggested by he teacher during the lessons, depending on the interests of the students.

The students enrolled in different degree courses (not Social Work; not Law Degree) are reccomend to study of an updated handbook about prison law, as: Mario Canepa, Sergio Merlo, Manuale di diritto penitenziario. Le norme, gli organi, le modalità dell'esecuzione delle sanzioni penali, Giuffrè, Milano; Massimo Pavarini, Bruno Guazzaloca, Corso di diritto penitenziario, Martina, Bologna; Leonardo Filippi, Giorgio Spangher, Manuale di diritto penitenziario, Giuffrè, Milano).

Teaching methods

Face to face lessons, by TEAMS platform, and group debates with witnesses and workshops conducted by professionals ( mediators, social workers). Materials, documents, and papers will publish on the Elly platform. The professor will notice students even if some material is added.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the class, will be scheduled some intermediate, not valutative, tests.
Written final test will be composed by 3 open-ended questions. Students will have 2 hours to answer.
In case of pandemic, the final tests will be managed both in presence and/or on line, according to the evolution of the general safety rules.
Studets will be noticed in time by the professor and the Degree Course web site

Other information

In case of health emergency, all the classes were been completely managed using audio and video clip, uploaded on the Elly dedicated platform.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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