Learning objectives
At the end of the course students will have to show knowledge and understanding of the main theoretical, epistemological and methodological foundations of education and training in adulthood. In particular, at the end of the course the student is expected to be able to:
1) know and understand the main theoretical, epistemological and methodological foundations related to adult education
2) know and interpret in a critical and autonomous way theories and models for the promotion of adult learning and the design, management and evaluation of training courses
3) know, understand and be able to analyze and reflect autonomously and critically on paths and interventions of education, learning and development within the educational group and in relation to the pedagogical coordination of services.
Course unit content
The course aims to explore the issue of adult education as a constituent of perspectives and policies for managing change and innovation, in all areas of individual and collective life.
Through the study and experimentation of some educational practices and some active training methodologies, the conditions that promote growth, change and learning of adults will in particular be explored.
The main contents addressed during the course will therefore be:
- the construct of adult education, lifelong learning, lifewide-long-deep education;
- transformative learning and the role of the adult educator;
- learning theories and practices in adulthood, with particular reference to the educational group and pedagogical coordination;
- images and representations of adult and adulthood and correlation with the design and implementation of adult educational, training and learning practices.
L’esame di Educazione degli adulti a.a. 2020/21 verterà su:
tutti i materiali didattici presenti sul portale della didattica online Elly, nella
sezione relativa al corso di Educazione degli adulti a.a. 2020/21.
Mezirow J., La teoria dell'apprendimento trasformativo. Imparare a pensare
come un adulto, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2016.
Due testi a scelta tra i seguenti:
o Bove C., Capirsi non è ovvio. Dialogo tra insegnanti e genitori in contesti
educativi interculturali, F. Angeli, Milano, 2020.
o Cornacchia M., Tramma S. (a cura di), Vulnerabilità in età adulta. Uno
sguardo pedagogico, Carocci, 2019.
o Knowles M., Self-directed learning. Strumenti e strategie per promuoverlo,
F.Angeli, Milano, 2014 (edizione a cura di M. Fedeli).
o Lizzola I., Brena S., Ghidini A., La scuola prigioniera. L'esperienza scolastica
in carcere, F. Angeli, Milano, 2017.
o Marescotti E., Adultescenza e dintorni. Il valore dell'adultità, il senso
dell'educazione, F. Angeli, Milano, 2020.
o Mortari L., Apprendere dall'esperienza. Il pensare riflessivo nella
formazione, Carocci, Roma, 2003 (oppure Mortari L., Dire la pratica. La
cultura del fare scuola, Mondadori, 2010).
o Negri S. (a cura di), La consulenza pedagogica, Carocci, Roma, 2014.
o Zannini L., Fare formazione nei contesti di prevenzione e cura. Modelli,
strumenti, narrazioni, Pensa Multimedia, 2015.
Teaching methods
The course includes, in addition to some moments of lectures and theoretical reflection, the direct involvement of students both through the study of cases and through the proposal of small group work and discussions in plenary and through the analysis of documentary materials. on the main contents of the course. Where possible, the voices of experts from the service world will also be involved, as well as the training and professional experiences of the participants.
Assessment methods and criteria
The students' learnings will be evaluate through an oral exam which includes questions about: a) the student's knowledge about the main topics b) the student's competence about reflecting on specific themes in a critical way c) the student's competence about analyzing issues across different contexts and perspectives.