Learning objectives
To acquire knowledge regarding the main components of the presented conceptual framework.
To be able to analyze a QPCC profile.
To be able to analyze critically the soft skills assessment.
Course unit content
Soft skills
The soft skills assessment.
A critical analysis of the mainstream.
Agamben G., Che cos'è un dispositivo, Nottetempo, Roma 2006.
Giacomantonio A., Hypoteses non fingo. I profili degli allievi: potenzialità e insidie, in «Formazione & Lavoro», n. 1, 2013, pp. 72-83.
Epifani E., Grządziel D., Margottini M., Ottone E., Pellerey M., Imparare a dirigere se stessi. Progettazione e realizzazione di una guida e di uno strumento informatico per favorire l’autovalutazione e lo sviluppo delle proprie competenze strategiche nello studio e nel lavoro, CnoS-FAP, Roma 2013: parti 1, 2 (capp. 4 e 5).
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures and theoretical reflections. In addition students will be involved through case-studies, work-group and discussions in plenary.
Assessment methods and criteria
The students' learnings will be evaluate by an oral or a written exam (a short essay). The measures adopted to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 will be determine the type of the exam. The assessment criteria will be the same. If a student will memorize and will understand the meaning of main concepts, than marks may vary from 18 to 24; if the student will be able to develop a original and rigorous reasoning, than the mark may vary fram 25 to 30.