cod. 1005013

Academic year 2020/21
2° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
12 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to consolidate the methodological preparation of the students in view of the practical application of quantitative and qualitative research techniques. They will then be resumed and deepened, with a strong application cut, themes and methods introduced in the first year as well as teaching the main methods used in health research.
In particular, it will expand the ability to implement the critical analysis of national and international nursing and midwifery literature, and to develop and / or use research tools to study phenomena in the various areas of vocational training: this is facilitated by specific lessons Of English science.
It is also proposed to make students able to illustrate the main alternatives of setting up an empirical survey (drawing of research) based on the initial hypotheses and alternative theoretical approaches available.
Finally, the course aims to provide students with knowledge about theoretical concepts and tools for statistical analysis and the definition of indicators aimed at understanding and evaluating phenomena and social and health services. Thanks to a didactic based on exemplification, the student will develop the ability to apply the concepts learned, using methods for building indicators for citizen demand analysis at local level and for evaluating services and projects. At the end of the course, therefore, the student will be able to use integrated systems of indicators for the assessment of the social and health context.
The systematic approach to healthcare and socio-sanitary databases will help achieve these goals.
Finally, the student will be directed to the use of modern depth of information processing systems, in order to make it able to autonomously produce models and elaborations of data of increasing complexity.


The examination of "Methods of Nursing and Obstetrician Research 2" can only be supported after passing the exams of "Statistics and Methodology of Nursing and Obstetrics Research" and "Epidemiological Methods of Study, Programming and Evaluation of Health Services".

Course unit content

Acquisition of tools that enable analysis and evaluation of phenomena and social health services.
Data collection techniques: from writing the questionnaire to different types of interview.
Quantitative scales: Likert, semantic differential.
Construction and validation of stairs.
Official statistics sources. Writing a scientific article. Critical analysis of nursing-midwifery research articles in both Italian and English
Clinical Evidence, Clinical Practice.
Writing an original thesis: from problem to presentation of results.
Biomedical resources, online databases, pubmed, Cinahl.

Full programme

See: content, goals, and methods for verifying individual disciplinary modules


Balsamo M., Elementi di psicometria, McGraw Hill, Milano, 2017-
Baraldi S., Il Balanced scorecard nelle Aziende sanitarie, McGraw-Hill, Milano,2005 Capp. 5,6,7,8
Bezzi C, Cannavò L, Palumbo M., Costruire e usare indicatori nella ricerca sociale e nella valutazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2010
Boncori L., I test in psicologia. Fondamenti teorici e applicazioni, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006
Bohrnsteid G.W., Knoke D. (1994), Statistica per le scienze sociali, Il Mulino, Bologna
Cifalinò A., Misurazione delle performance aziendali e valutazione della formazione, Angeli, Milano, 2012
Colton T., Statistica in medicina, Piccin, Padova, 1991
Corbetta P., Metodi di analisi multivariata per le scienze sociali, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1992
Corsi M., Fabbris L., Franci A. La valutazione della qualità dei servizi socio-sanitari, CLEUP Padova; 1997.
Chiorri C., Fondamenti di psicometria, McGraw Hill, Milano, 2020
Delvecchio F., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Cacucci, Bari 2000
Doise W., Clemence A., Lorenzi Cioldi F., Rappresentazioni sociali e analisi dei dati, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995
Donati P., Manuale di sociologia sanitaria, Carocci, Roma, 1987 (capp. 7, 12 e 13).
Epidemiologia e Prevenzione, 19-20, 1983
Fabbris L., Statistica multivariata, McGraw-Hill, Milano 1997
Franci A., Bruscaglia G., La statistica e la gestione dei servizi socio-sanitari, Maggioli, Rimini, 1987
Franci A., Corsi M., Il gradimento per la medicina di famiglia, Edizioni Summa, Padova 2003
Franci A., Corsi M.,, Distribuzione territoriale, costi e qualità in case per anziani, QuattroVenti, Urbino 2006
Franci A., ed altri, Strumenti operativi per la gestione delle USL, Edizioni Montefeltro, Urbino 2001
Gallucci M., Leone L, Berlingeri M., Modelli statistici per le scienze sociali, Pearson, Milano, 2017
Greene, D’Oliveira, Statistica per psicologi, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2000
Guala C., Marra E., Indicatori sociali e territorio, Sagep, Genova, 1990
Lantieri, Risso, Ravera, Statistica medica per le professioni sanitarie, McGraw Hill, 2004
Mrchioli R., Tognoni G., Cause ↔ effetti in medicina, Il Pensiero Scientifico, Roma, 1994
Stanton A. Glantz, Statistica per discipline biomediche, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2003
Zajczyk F., Il mondo degli indicatori sociali, Carocci (ex NIS), Roma, 1997
Davini O., Il prezzo della salute, Nutrimenti, 2013.

James A. Fain, La ricerca infermieristica – leggerla, comprenderla e applicarla, Milano, McGraw-Hill Companies, srl Publishing Group Italia, 2004, trad. it. di: Reading, Understanding, and Applying Research. A test and Workbook, 2nd edition.
Kenneth D. Bailey, Metodi della ricerca sociale, Bologna, ed. Il Mulino, 1985, trad. it. di Methods of Social Research, New York, The Free Press, 1982. Edizione italiana a cura di Maurizio Rossi.
Marradi A., L'analisi monovariata, Collana di metodologia delle scienze umane, FrancoAngeli, 1998
Marradi A., Linee guida per l'analisi bivariata dei dati nelle scienze sociali, Volume 18 di Laboratorio sociologico: Teoria, epistemologia, metodo, FrancoAngeli, 2002
Marradi A., Gasperoni G. (a cura di), Costruire il dato 3: le scale Likert, Volume 390 di Collana di sociologia, FrancoAngeli, 2002

Any monographic texts will be indicated at the beginning of the lessons.

Teaching methods

Part of the lessons will be conducted through interactive front-end teaching, even with the use of audiovisual media. The discussion in the classroom with the students on the proposed topics will be encouraged and encouraged. The didactic methodology of the course also includes the development, on an individual basis and through a work group, of contextual data tutorials for the construction of evaluation systems. Particular attention will be given to the teaching of critical analysis of research articles.
“Lectures will be held on-site in compliance with safety standards, provided that further instructions on the ongoing health emergency are not implemented. Supporting material will be available on the specific, student-reserved platform (Elly) and will include slide presentations, audio-video aids or video-recording of the lectures.”

Assessment methods and criteria

The degree of preparation achieved is verified by means of an oral exam including the on-line preparatory test of Social Statistics, the solution of a statistical question to be developed with the help of your PC through processing with the SPSS application; presentation and relative evaluation of the thesis project and the critical analysis of a research article.
Some parts of the exam will be held in written form (multiple choice quiz), with correction at the same time as the exam itself. Finally, there is an assessment of the skills acquired in the field of bibliographic research and scientific English.

Other information

Students must attend at least 50% of the lesson hours.
For any other information not included in this summary, please refer to the individual sheets of the disciplinary modules.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 033700

Quality assurance office

Education manager:
Sandra Cavalca

T. +39 0521 034908
E. office
E. manager

President of the degree course

Prof. Giuseppe Pedrazzi

Director of Professionalising Teaching Activities (DADP)

Dott.ssa Emma Galante

Faculty advisor / Career guidance delegate

Dott.ssa Emma Galante

Tutor Professors

Dott. Luigi Baldini

Dott. Giuseppe Marletta

Erasmus delegates

Dott. Giuseppe Marletta

Dott. Luigi Baldini

Dott.ssa Emma Galante


Quality assurance manager

Dott.ssa Elisa Vetti

Internships delegates

Dott.ssa Emma Galante
Dott. Giuseppe Marletta