cod. 1001927

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - First semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Course unit structured in the following modules:

Learning objectives

At the end of the course of General and Inorganic Chemistry, the student is expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of basic general chemistry including:
-fundamentals of general chemistry (law of conservation of mass, atomic structure, the periodic table, element properties and classification, nature of the ionic and polar covalent bond)
-hints of inorganic nomenclature, molar mass, the balance of reactions
-state functions and laws of thermodynamics
-states of matter, fundamental laws of intermolecular, characteristics of the solutions and colligative properties
-definition of acids and bases (strong acids and bases, weak acids and bases, buffer solutions)
-concepts of chemical kinetics theory.
The student must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of general chemistry and applying them both in solving problems (stoichiometry, balancing of reactions, thermodynamic calculations) and in the description of the subjects under consideration.
The course aims at the achievement of learning skills and communication skills by employing appropriate language to both specialized and non-specialized audience.
At the end of the course of Organic Chemistry, the student is expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of basic organic chemistry.
In particular, the expected learning outcomes are:
- Knowledge and understanding of the basic functional groups and applying them to the classification of simple organic molecules;
- Knowledge, understanding and applying of the structural representation of simple organic molecules to visualize them in the three-dimensional space;
- Knowledge and understanding of basic principles of organic reactions (chemical equilibria, structural theory, acids and bases, nucleophiles and electrophiles);
- Knowledge and understanding of the relationship between the structure of simple organic molecules and their physical properties, in particular their solubility in aqueous or non-aqueous solvents;
- Knowledge and understanding of the relationship between the structure of simple organic molecules and their reactivity;
- Knowledge of the international rules for the nomenclature of organic compounds and applying them to assign the chemical name to unknown molecules.
At the end of the course, the student is expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of basic general and organic chemistry to know and understand the biochemical and bio-organic processes underlying the animal production sciences.
Also student is expected to be able to apply knowledge and understanding to solve practical problems and to be able to communicate the course contents to both specialized and non-specialized audience by employing appropriate language.


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Course unit content

The course is composed of two modules: the General and Inorganic Chemistry module (5 CFU, 35 hours) and the Organic Chemistry module (5 CFU, 35 hours). At the end of the course the student is expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of basic general and organic chemistry and applying them in the study of biochemical and biological processes underlying the animal production sciences. The expected learning outcomes of the single modules are described in the corresponding sections.

Full programme

The programs of the modules are detailed in the corresponding sections.


Choose one of the following:
1. Chimica. Principi e reazioni di William L. Masterton, Cecile N. Hurley; casa editrice: Piccin nuova Libraria
2. Chimica Generale ed Inorganica a cura di P. Tagliatesta; casa editrice: EDI ERMES

Choose one of the following:
1. J. Gorzynski Smith: Fondamenti di Chimica Organica, 3° edizione, Mc Graw Hill Education, Milano 2018.
2. W. Brown, T. Poon: Introduzione alla Chimica Organica, 5° Edizione, EdiSES, Napoli, 2014.
3. J. McMurry: Chimica organica – Un approccio biologico, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2008.

The additional teaching material (slides) will be loaded on Elly platform; this material does not substitute the textbook.

Teaching methods

The courses will be carried out through frontal oral lessons at the blackboard and the contents will be summarized in slides. Exercises dealing with applying knowledge and understanding of theoretical concepts to practical problems will be proposed. The exercise sessions will be open to free discussion between students and teachers and these are considered essential parts of the course to:
-check applying knowledge, understanding and learning skills of proposed contents;
-check the ability to master the acquired theoretical concepts and to apply knowledge in analyzing and solving simple problems.
Additional exercise sessions are planned with the support of a lecturer.
The teachers are available for further explanations about theory and exercises at the end of the lesson, or in office on e-mail appointment.
The additional teaching material (slides) will be loaded on Elly platform; this material does not substitute the textbook.

Assessment methods and criteria

The General and Organic Chemistry course consists of the General and Inorganic Chemistry module and the Organic Chemistry module.
To verify knowledge and learning two different written tests will be done, one focused on the Inorganic and General Chemistry and another centered on the Organic Chemistry (for details on these specific written tests, see the corresponding sections).
To access the Organic Chemistry test, it is mandatory to pass the General and Inorganic Chemistry exam.
The results of the tests are marked in thirtieth; a minimum of 18/30 is required as passing level. The final quotation is the arithmetic mean of both written tests.

Other information

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