cod. 1007726

Academic year 2021/22
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Composizione architettonica e urbana (ICAR/14)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
40 hours
of face-to-face activities
4 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to: • know the main theories of Italian and international twentieth century architectural design; • possess a critical conscience relating to the theory of architectural design and its fundamental importance in the contextual design exercise: • analyze and understand the theories of the project starting from the built architecture (1st Dublin descriptor): • learn to apply the critical skills acquired as part of the project architecture (2nd Dublin descriptor): • acquire a necessary and indispensable autonomy of critical judgment on the project of architecture (3rd Dublin descriptor): • enhance his communication and learning skills as part of the project architecture (4th. 5th Dublin descriptor).


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Course unit content

The course is divided into two parts: one consists of lectures and the other of exercises / insights that the student performs alone in small groups with the tutoring of professor. The lectures focus on the theory of architectural design, on Italian specificity, on the relationship between theory and practice. Architectural projects will be presented and analyzed to explain theories and poetics of twentieth century architecture (even if not built).
Some in-depth lessons / seminars conducted by Italian teachers of the architectural project area on important topics / figures of the discipline planning.
The exercise / study aims at the practical application of the comprehension operations of architecture through the study, critical analysis, decomposition and subsequent recomposition of one or more works of twentieth century architecture.

Full programme

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They are reference texts: AA.VV. Design theory, Dedalo, Bari 1969; L. Semerani, Meetings and lessons. Attraction and contrast between forms, Clean, Naples 2013. Issues of the class A open acess scientific journal "FAMagazine. Research and projects on architecture and the city" (

Teaching methods

The didactic activities will be conducted by favoring alternate active learning methods lectures, case studies and in-depth seminars. During the case study (generally a contemporary architecture project) the comparison with the student will be privileged. on basic issues of design theory, also in order to bring out any foreknowledge on the topics in subject by students. In the second part of the lesson, experiential learning cycles will be activated in which students will be required to apply the theory to an architectural project attributed to them e analyzed according to the methodological criteria illustrated in the lectures and in the bibliographic material e didactic.

Assessment methods and criteria

The course includes the summative evaluation of two tests (exercise / research / case study and final oral exam). 1. the exercise (individual or group) will be evaluated on the basis of the documents submitted to the teaching; 2. the final oral exam consists of an individual interview through which you will verify the knowledge of the Theories of the Italian twentieth century architectural project and international (also with respect to the reference texts indicated in the bibliography) and the ability of critical understanding of the built architecture (the Dublin Descriptor) in relation to the project. The interview will also verify communication and learning / reasoning skills, clarity of presentation and use of the specific terminology of the discipline (4th. 5th Dublin descriptor). The ability to apply knowledge will be preliminarily verified through the evaluation of the exercise (see point 1). During the final exam, in the case of group practice / research, each member is required of the group you master the whole exercise in its entirety as well as explicit the parts that you have personally handled.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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