Learning objectives
Main goal of the course is to lead the student to the comprehension of the complexity which characterizes the environmental assessment. In this framework the student will be instructed to apply the various concepts that are the pillars of environmental assessment as well as the different tools that are needed to perform it in a scientifically correct way.
The knowledge of fundamental ecology is required to follow this course.
Course unit content
Technical, scientific and legislative foundations of the environmental and strategic impact assessment.
Full programme
1. Environmental assessment: by whom, for whom and to what ends?
2. Environmental compatibility and environmental sustainability: a comparion between environmental and strategic impact assessment.
3. European and Italian Legislation about environmental assessment.: European Directives and the Italian legislative framework.
4. The procedures for environmental and strategic impact assessment.
5.Technical annexes for the procedures.
6. Environmental impact study and environmental report. The technical products of impact assessment.
7. Methods for predicting the impacts: models and rapid evaluation tools.
8. The role of indicators in environmental assessment.
9. Synthesizing the results and exrepssing the judgement.
10. Analysis of the alternatives.
Bettini, Canter, Ortolano: Ecologia dell’impatto ambientale” (Torino, UTET Libreria, 2000).
Larry W. Canter Environmental impact assessment
New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc
Teaching methods
Teaching is done mainly as frontal lessons. Teaching material in the form of ppt slides, scientific papers of book chapters will be distributed in advance so that students can follow up with the lectures. Computer exercises will integrate constantly the lectures to develop the ability to use environmental assessment tools.
Assessment methods and criteria
The evaluation is based on an oral examination on the course contents.
The evaluation is based upon an assessment scheme whose pillars are: knowledge of the topics developed during the course; competence in using the tool presented in the course; skill in organizing and elaborating the concepts in an integrated fashion; fluency and appropriateness in using the teaching language of the course (Italian) and the ancillary languages (technical language and English language).
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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