Learning objectives
The master's degree course in Science and Technology for the Environment and Resources (STAR) aims to train a professional and intellectual figure who, possessing knowledge of scientific language and its fundamentals, has a solid systemic environmental culture. Basic expertise is deepened through descriptive and quantitative knowledge of natural processes and ecological and hydrogeological systems, by environmental application technologies and by appropriate economic and legal knowledge which lead to the acquisition of specialised training in the fields of environmental protection and remediation, spatial development and resource use sustainability and evaluation and management aspects of environmental systems. The graduate has to be able to use the English language, in addition to the Italian language, in written and oral form. Therefore, a course catalogue is planned to allow the achievement and verification of the possession of B2-level disciplinary vocabulary. Fluency in English is also propaedeutic to the complete and effective development of the internationalisation project of the degree course.
Learning activities are organised in compulsory and free-choice course units, internship and final examination (dissertation), which contribute to qualify the STAR master's degree student as an expert in:
- managing and planning of environment and land, with particular regard to water resources analysis, management and conservation; - monitoring and diagnosing of environmental systems quality and status; - studying and assessing environmental impact strategies and projects, plans, programmes and policies with specific orientation towards sustainable use of land and resources; - environmental management services for private companies and public administrations, with skills on permits, optimisation of environmental resources exploitation, economic evaluation of environmental policies - the evaluation and management of renewable and conventional energy resources and in the control of pollution resulting from energy production and distribution; - waste treatment through an integrated approach, with the use of conventional techniques and ecological and biotechnological methodologies; - the design of remediation measures for contaminated sites, with an interdisciplinary approach that includes hydrogeological, microbiological, phytodepuration and chemical-physical aspects.
The learning activities will be organised in curricula, in order to make the transfer of knowledge, experience and analytical and laboratory skills (including field activities) related to the topics summarised above even more effective. In particular, a curriculum will be developed focusing on water protection and remediation of contaminated sites topics and a curriculum focusing on topics related to the protection and enhancement of natural heritage.
Among other things, a number of applied geological disciplines have been considerably strengthened, in order to provide new graduates with wider and deeper earth sciences knowledge, increasing their ability to successfully sit for the state geologist exam.
For the purposes indicated and in relation to specific objectives, the student can benefit from external activities such as internships in companies, public administration facilities and laboratories, as well as study stays at other Italian and European universities, within the framework of national and international agreements and programmes.
Toll-free number
800 904 084Quality assurance office
Education manager:Sig.ra Gabriella Cavalli
T. +39 0521 906087
Office E.didattica.scvsa@unipr.it
Manager E. gabriella.cavalli@unipr.it