
The University of Parma promotes curricular traineeships in order to facilitate professional choices through direct knowledge of the world of work and the realisation of moments of school-work alternation.
The curricular internship integrates and completes the students' curriculum by giving them the chance to perform practical activities which may be carried out in structures within the University or externally at qualified public and private bodies with which the University has entered into appropriate agreements, on the basis of the provisions of the respective degree course regulations.
The placement involves three parties: the student, the promoter (the University of Parma) and the host (company or organisation) where the activity is carried out under the guidance of a university tutor, a University professor and a company supervisor.
Curricular internships are not a prerequisite for an employment relationship between the student and the host structure, nor can they be a substitute for company labour or professional services.

Internships Arrangements


The curricular internship (6 ECTS) is part of the dissertation project in conjunction with research activities in preparation for the final examination (18 ECTS) and with the presentation and discussion of the dissertation paper during graduation exam (3 ECTS). The research activities in preparation for the final examination and the internship, which are integrated with each other, comprise a total of 675 hours of activities that should be indicatively spread over a period of 6-8 months.
The internship carried out under the guidance of one or more course professors at institutions or companies outside the university or abroad, aims to acquire and improve the ability to learn and apply professional skills in the environmental field.
The internship activity requires the activation of a Educational Project. The student must proceed to activate the project through the Esse3 online procedure. The other interlocutors (UNIVERSITY, EXTERNAL COMPANY) also manage exclusively online the signing of training projects and the recognition of internship periods carried out by the student. Full information on the activation of traineeships can be found here.

The student, at least 15 days before the start of the internship/dissertation, must send by e-mail to the PROFESSORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INTERNSHIP/dissertation for the master's degree STAR (Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli, e.mail:, tel. 0521 905683 and Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti, e.mail:, tel. 0521 905977) the FORM FOR NOTIFICATION OF START OF THE INTERNSHIP/DISSERTATION, filled in in all its parts and signed by the supervisor. For insurance reasons, keep in mind that the starting date of the educational project must be at least 15 working days after the date on which the project is entered into Esse3, as established by the Internship Division.
Before declaring online his willingness to accept an offer opportunity, the student, in both case of open or agreed offers from external host parties (Companies, Hospitals, Institutions, other Universities), must ask the UNIVERSITY TUTOR (Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti or, if Prof. Rossetti acts as company tutor, Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli) to assess the suitability of the EDUCATIONAL PROJECT proposed by the host, and if the conditions are met, to proceed with acceptance. At the end of the placement, the UNIVERSITY TUTOR himself must assess the suitability of the activities performed. IMPORTANT: COMPANY TUTOR and UNIVERSITY TUTOR do not have to coincide.
The activation of the educational Project takes place as follows.
- INTERNSHIP WITH A PROFESSOR (STI - internal internship) agreed with a lecturer.
The name of the COMPANY TUTOR (or INTERN TUTOR), i.e. the University of Parma dissertation supervisor, must be indicated in the INTERNSHIP/DISSERTATION COMMUNICATION FORM.
The UNIVERSITY TUTOR (Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti or, if Prof. Rossetti acts as the company tutor, Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli) completes the educational Project in Esse3, based on the information contained in the INTERNSHIP/DISSERTATION STARTING ACTIVITY COMMUNICATION FORM.
In Esse3, the student must then choose Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti as UNIVERSITY TUTOR (or, if Prof. Rossetti acts as company tutor, Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli), and accept the educational Project.
With the subsequent approval of the UNIVERSITY TUTOR and the final approval of the GUIDANCE PLACEMENT AND INTERNSHIPS DIVISION the commencement procedure is concluded.
- INTERNSHIP WITH AN EXTERNAL HOST (STA - company internship) agreed with the external body.
even in this case the student must send the INTERNSHIP/DISSERTATION STARTING ACTIVITY COMMUNICATION FORM to the INTERNSHIPS RESPONSABLE PROFESSORS. The name of the COMPANY TUTOR (i.e. the external speaker) and of the internal speaker professor at the University of Parma) must be indicated on the form.
This mode requires the external organisation to have registered, applied for the agreement, entered the name of the COMPANY TUTOR (i.e. the external speaker) via the "contact" menu link in the "Company Area" section and initiated the internship with a known student by entering the student's matriculation number and the Educational Project. An internship application is then generated and visible to the student from the 'My Internships' menu item.
The student must indicate Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti as UNIVERSITY TUTOR (or, if Prof. Rossetti acts as company tutor, Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli), view the educational Project and accept it.
With the subsequent approval by the university tutor and the final approval of the GUIDANCE, PLACEMENT AND INTERNSHIPS, the commencement procedure is concluded.
N.B.: UNIVERSITY TUTOR and COMPANY TUTOR (or INTERNAL TUTOR) have different roles and therefore, for a specific placement, cannot be the same person. The UNIVERSITY TUTOR (Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti or, if Prof. Rossetti acts as company tutor, Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli) approves the Educational Project and verifies the achievement of the interships objectives; the COMPANY TUTOR or INTERNAL TUTOR (course professor in the case of an internal placement or a person appointed by the host organisation in the case of an external placement) supervises the individual internship.
- INTERNSHIP IN INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY (STE - internship abroad).  For Erasmus placements contact and follow the directions of the Erasmus Office and the International Mobility Commission of the Department of Chemical, Life and Environmental Sustainability Sciences. For other international internships contact and follow the directions of the internships office. For further information, please contact the CSD contact person for international exchanges and mobility, Prof. Marco Bartoli (e.mail:, tel. 0521 905048).
- APPLICATION FOR AN OPEN OPPORTUNITY. The student may consult the opportunities offered by organisations/companies on ESSE3 and may apply (if he/she has not already taken the placement). The student must send the INTERNSHIP/DISSERTATION STARTING ACTIVITY COMMUNICATION FORM to the INTERNSHIPS RESPONSABLE PROFESSORS. In the event that the host organisation accepts the application, the student must:
a) in the case of an offer from a professor at the University of Parma, choose Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti as UNIVERSITY TUTOR (or, if Prof. Rossetti acts as company tutor, Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli), view the educational Project and accept it.
With the subsequent approval by the university tutor and the final approval of the UOS ORIENTAMENTO, PLACEMENT E TIROCINI (Guidance, Placement and Internships Unit), the commencement procedure is concluded.
b) in the case of an offer from an external host choose the UNIVERSITY TUTOR (Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti or, if Prof. Rossetti acts as company tutor, Prof. Pierluigi Viaroli), view the Educational Project and accept it.
With the subsequent approval by the university tutor and the final approval of the UOS ORIENTAMENTO, PLACEMENT E TIROCINI (Guidance, Placement and Internships Unit), the commencement procedure is concluded.
From a.a. 2017/18, two new features were introduced regarding the use of 'online placements': the completion of final evaluation questionnaires and the possibility of uploading attachments after the conclusion of the placement. Further information can be found here.
IMPORTANT: The completion of the internship evaluation questionnaire by the student, once the Educational Project has been completed, is a prerequisite for proceeding with the final approval of the internship and the recording of the relevant credits.


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

T. 39+ 0521 905613

Education manager:
Sig.ra Gabriella Cavalli

T. +39 0521 906087
Manager E. 

President of the degree course

Prof. Fulvio Celico


Faculty advisor

Prof. Marco Bartoli


Career guidance delegate

Prof. Michele Donati


Quality assurance manager

Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti



Prof. Giampaolo Rossetti


Tutor students

Dott.ssa Laura Ducci
