cod. 1007217

Academic year 2017/18
1° year of course - Annual
Academic discipline
Indefinito/interdisciplinare (NN)
"altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro"
Type of training activity
60 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The workshop aims to provide professional social service description and through a definition of the specific nature of the profession and its evolution in the unfolding of the functional organization of services in private social, institutional and private, voluntary work, cooperatives and as a freelancer.


Basic cognitive requirements

Course unit content

Deepening of the mandates of the Public Entities and Institutions
(historical reasons of their Constitution – legislation, regulations and program documents – institutional duties and purposes – financing systems and control systems – political and administrative organization – territory –actual and potential users base – evolution and trends in local welfare).

Professional social service: operational structure
(relevant legislation – aims and specific functions – task scheduling-organization structure – type of users – social question – performance and operations planned and implemented – moments and modes of information, participation, monitoring and evaluation

Types of social documents, documentary production, preservation and adequate storage

The social legislation at national and local levels. Orientation elements, textual research and networking with analysis of the most important portals for consultation and reference.

Full programme

Analysis of the evolution of the welfare system and current operational types.
Citizenship rights and social status.
Professional responsibilities towards Institutions and/or work organisation, society and customers/users.
Knowledge of some operational contexts and corresponding professional skills.
National, regional and local expertise on welfare and social security.
Observation, evaluation and analysis of professional experience and a specific operating environment with the goal to understand the balance between personal expectations and real professional life experience.

Related deepenings:
-Professional and individual responsibility in operational tasks.
-privacy, confidentiality and office secrets
- operational risk
-the ethical dilemmas


Esiste ancora lo Stato Sociale? Passato, presente e futuro del sistema italiano di welfare
Fiora Luzzato – Edizioni francoAngeli
L'Assistente Sociale 2.0 - Politiche e lavoro sociale di comunità
Patrizia Marzo – Edizioni La Meridiana
Assistente Sociale domani. Vol 1 e 2
M. Luisa Raineri – Edizioni Erickson
Tra impegno e professione. Gli Assistenti sociali come soggetti del welfare.
A cura di Carla Facchini – Edizioni Il Mulino
Tra il dire e il welfare – Lo stato sociale nel mare della crisi. Esperienze ed idee per un nuovo welfare equo e partecipato.
Francesca Paini, Giulio Sensi – Edizioni Altraeconomia
Ricerca sociale e progettazione partecipata. Francesco Farina. Bonanno Editore
Welfare come diritto. Scenari e sfide del Servizio Sociale professionale
A cura di Antonio Nappi - Giuseppe de Robertis – Edizioni La Meridiana
Il Servizio Sociale in Comune. A cura di Teresa Bertotti. Maggioli Editore.

Recommended texts for further consultation
Leggere,scrivere,argomentare. Prove ragionate di scrittura
Luca Serianni – Edizioni Laterza
Il servizio come professione. Assistenti sociali e cittadini nella crisi del welfare. A cura di Raffaello Ciucci. Pisa University press Editore.
Decidere nel servizio sociale. Metodo e riflessioni etiche.
Teresa Bertotti – Edizioni Carocci Faber (*)
Gli ambiti di intervento del servizio sociale. (*)
A cura di Annamaria Campanini – Edizioni Carocci Faber
Le responsabilità professionali dell’Assistente Sociale. A cura di Elisabetta Bianchi e Simonetta Filippini. Carocci Faber Editore.

(*) texts adopted by other teachings of the three-year course

Teaching methods

- Lezioni frontali
- Seminari di approfondimento con il supporto di professionisti di aree operative specifiche
- Discussioni di approfondimento in plenaria
- Attività di gruppo e di condivisione finalizzate a sperimentare le capacità di raggiungimento del compito e di confronto di team/équipe

Assessment methods and criteria

Final exam (spoken).
The assessment will be considered as acceptable if the student will show a knowledge of the topics covered and exposed, and personal elaboration of the specific principles of the profession.
Beside this, students will also discuss the experience of being side to side a real professionals, known during laboratories by delivering written reports (reports will be written following a specific pattern which will be processed during the lab itself).

Other information

Some insights covered in the study are adequate reference in:
-Code of conduct of Social Assistant
-Local regulations for the disciplinary procedure
Reachable on the Web site of the National Association of social workers ( )
and further exploration will be the occasion to consult institutional websites of individual Regional social workers and Regional Associations of Social Workers will be highlighted during the academic year.
More specific texts which might be derived from searches on the internet will be presented as above.
Contact between student and social worker for analyzing a work context and a service (or, in alternative, Company or entity) is conditional upon a previous consent of availability to be sought by the student. The University of Parma forward then individualized communication to the social worker with direction of the purpose of the research.