cod. 1006523

Academic year 2015/16
3° year of course - Second semester
Giovanni Marcello CECCARELLI
Academic discipline
Storia economica (SECS-P/12)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

- will learn and understand which economic, social and cultural processes have led in the long run to the integration of global markets;
- should be able to apply such learning to critically tackle issues deriving from the complex structure of the current framework of global economy;
- should be able to evaluate the international economy in a multilateral perspective, bypassing the idea that the Western world is the main player of processes that are currently developing on a global scale;
- should acquire a cultural background useful to communicate and interact with institutional subjects on the issues related to globalization;
- will be stimulated in developing their learning skills by experiencing a varied approach in teaching.


A basic knowledge of economic history.

Course unit content

The Laboratory is structured on a series of different cycles devoted to the globalization of the economy in a long term historical perspective and with a broad geographical angle. A set of crucial topics will be considered during these cycles: the “economy-worlds” before globalization (Europe, China, and India); the integration of commodities and capital markets; the impact of developments in transportation, communication, and information technologies; the process of economic convergence; the dialectical interaction between markets regulation and deregulation; global and local crises.

Full programme

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The readings will be selected according to the group work chosen.

Teaching methods

Standard lectures will be integrated by guided collective discussions concerning specific case-studies.

Assessment methods and criteria

During the Laboratory each student will be assigned a topic to develop through a group-work. The outcomes of this work will be delivered in form of a group-paper, in which each individual contribution should be clearly visible, that will also be orally presented and discussed. At the end of the Laboratory an overall mark will be assigned. A maximum of 10 marks will be assigned in relation to the group-paper, a maximum of 10 marks will be assigned in relation to the individual contribution to the group-paper, a maximum of 10 marks will be assigned in relation to the degree of participation showed during the Laboratory activities. By analyzing the contents of the group-paper, the individual contribution to the group-paper, and the degree of participation showed during the Laboratory activities it will be possible to verify: (a) knowledge and understanding (b) the ability in applying knowledge and understanding, (c) the learning skills and the ability in making judgments, (d) the communication skills and the ability in using the proper technical

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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