cod. 1004802

Academic year 2016/17
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Zootecnica speciale (AGR/19)
Discipline delle produzioni animali
Type of training activity
47 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to enable the student to know and to understand the essential elements of the methods of livestock breeding, the different types of structures, the composition and quality of milk, meat and eggs, and the main criteria of animal welfare.
This is also with the aim to develop the student's ability to use the knowledge and understanding gained in identifying the different problems that can occur in different types of livestock farms.

The student, also, applying the knowledge and understanding acquired, must be able, also working with farmers and other professionals, to
- contribute to the proper management of a livestock farm
- Contribute to the prevention of problems that can meet a livestock farm
- Know how to detect and interpret the main parameters of a livestock farm


Prerequisites: 1004801 - Anatomia, Embriologia, Istologia degli Animali Domestici; 16964 - Biologia Animale e Vegetale and 1004803 - Zootecnica Generale, Miglioramento Genetico e Biodiversità

Course unit content

Breeding of dairy cattle: categories of animals, reproductive and productive cycle, production and characteristics of milk, rearing typologies
Beef cattle: growing, categories of animals, classification of carcasses, characteristics of meat, rearing modalities
Production of pork meat: categories of animals, breeding and classification of carcasses, pork meat categories (PRN, DFD, PSE).
Poultry breeding for the production of meat and eggs.
Animal welfare: definition and regulation.

Full programme

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AA:VV. Benessere Animale . Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Umbria e Marche Editore, 2010
AA.VV. Etologia applicata e benessere animale. Vol. I e II. Point Veterinarie Italie, Milano, 2008
ALAIS C.: Scienza del latte - principi di tecnologia del latte e derivati. Ed. Tecniche Nuove, Milano,1984
BITTANTE G., ANDRIGHETTO L., RAMANZIN M.: Tecniche di produzione animale. Liviana Ed., Torino, 1993
CATALANO A.L.: Valutazione morfo-funzionale del cavallo. Igiene ed etnologia. Goliardica Ed., Parma, 1984
MEREGALLI A.: Conoscenza morfofunzionale degli animali domestici. Liviana Editrice, 1980.
MONETTI P.G.: Allevamento dei bovini e dei suini. Cristiano Giraldi Ed., Città di Castello (PG), 2001.
MONTEMURRO N. Igiene zootecnica. Edagricole, Bologna, 2002.
NAPOLITANO F., DE ROSA G., GRASSO F., Comportamento e benessere degli animali in produzione zootecnica. Aracne Editrice, Roma, 2007
PARIGI BINI R., SOMEDA DE MARCO A.: Zootecnica Speciale dei Bovini. Produzione della carne. Patton Ed., Bologna, 1989
SUCCI G.: Zootecnia speciale. Città Studi Ed., Milano, 1995
SUCCI G., HOFFMANN I.: La vacca da latte. Città Studi Ed., Milano, 1993

Teaching methods

During the lectures in the classroom, with the use of audio-visual facilities the characteristics of livestock farm animals, the characteristics of their productions will be presented. The lessons will also be supplemented by seminars to deepen some specific issues.

Assessment methods and criteria

The assessment of the achievement of the objectives of the course will include an oral examination on a series of questions which will be previously provided to students at the end of each topic. Through questions regarding the course content will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of knowledge and understanding. By means of the questions in the oral examination will be determined whether the student has achieved the goal of linking the arguments and to find solutions to problems, and if it proves to have good reasoning skills and independent judgment. It will be also assessed the appropriate specific language.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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