cod. 1001373

Academic year 2015/16
3° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Economia applicata (SECS-P/06)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
70 hours
of face-to-face activities
10 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

Developing competences and learning outcomes result:
- knowledge and understanding: the economic well-being and sustainable; the strengths and weaknesses of the Italian economy; the fundamental role of ethics in economics; the determinants of personal and social welfare
- ability to apply knowledge and understanding: to better understand the economic and social changes of the Italian economy. Acquiring the ability to make rational decisions in both complex identify both at group level
- judgement: Assess the treasury and group, using the fundamentals of ethics and justice
- communication skills: understanding how groups work and its expected results
- ability to learn: taking possession of the principles of ethics capabilities



Course unit content

The basic contents of the course:
introductory lessons relate to critical aspects of the Italian economy.
The first part of the course examines the ethical paradigm of capacity, compared with utilitarianism, which is the traditional paradigm of economic analysis.
The second part of the course is intended to clarify the essential role of ethics, to achieve good economic and social outcomes.
The third part of the course is the application of ethics capacity in organizations and then we will analyze the fundamentals of organizational behavior and social responsibility, in a critical and reflective view.

Full programme

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- Eurostat, 2015, Quality of life,
- Livraghi R., 2015, Economia e welfare: fattori costitutivi ed effetti, Quaderni di Economia del Lavoro, n. 103, F. Angeli, Milano
- Papasidero G., 2015, Indipendenza emotiva. Imparare a essere felici, Tempovissuto Edizioni
- Giovanola B., 2012, Oltre l'homo economicus. Lineamenti di etica economica, Orthotes Editrice, Napoli
- Kreitner R., Kinichi A., Comportamento organizzativo, Apogeo, seconda edizione

Teaching methods

Lectures, specialized seminars, case discussions and practical exercises

Assessment methods and criteria

Written Exam:
- knowledge and understanding will be assessed with an open question; the ability to apply knowledge will be assessed with an open question, with reference to the Italian context and examination of cases;
- the independence of judgment and the ability to learn will be assessed with an open question, with reference to the Italian context and examination of cases;
- communication skills will be assessed in the written replies given by evaluating the appropriate use of technical and scientific terms used

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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