cod. 1003995

Academic year 2015/16
3° year of course - First semester
Giorgio GOZZI
Academic discipline
Statistica economica (SECS-S/03)
Type of training activity
35 hours
of face-to-face activities
5 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives


1) Knowledge and understanding .The course aims to provide the basic
tools most suitable for the analysis of some fundamental aspects of
monetary and financial market. Particular attention will be paid to time
series of financial issues: exchange rates, interest rates, prices and
equity returns, prices and yields of derivatives. Participation in teaching
activities in conjunction with the exercises, increase the student's ability
to develop, independently, that type of "statistical data" that
characterizes the nature of the degree course in Economics and Finance.

2) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding . At the end of the
course, the student will be able to implement in an autonomous way the
statistical techniques described above. The student will have therefore
developed specific skills, they are associated with critical skills for
diagnostic, which are essential ingredients in building a good statistical
model, with the possible assistance of the appropriate level of computer
tools .

3) Making judgments .At the end of the course, the student will be able to
perform independently all the considerations regarding the problems of
analysis of financial time series. In addition, the student will be able to
correctly interpret the results of such analyzes, even when made by other
users or experts
4) Communication skills . At the end of the course, the student will be
able to use appropriate technical language in communicating with the
operators of financial markets. Also it should be able to summarize the
statistical information of considerable size

5) Learning skills. We want to give the student the opportunity to
assimilate the key results of the statistical theory and probability that
form the basis of building a statistical model. At the end of the course,
the student will have acquired the key concepts to be able to accurately
use quantitative tools, if they become necessary in the solution of
concrete problems of a financial nature


Knowledge of basic descriptive and inferential statistics

Course unit content

/ Elementary theory of stochastic processes for stationary series
1. Recalls elements of probability 'for random vectors.
2. Transformation of univariate and multivariate random variables.
3. Gaussian and White Noise processes.
4. Brief introduction to non-stationary processes of type Random Walk
/ Empirical evidence of the observed time series
1. Empirical characteristics of the time series of financial returns.
Formulas combinations of multi-period returns.
2. The shape of the distribution of returns. Test of symmetry, kurtosis,
and normality .
3. The time dependence (linear and nonlinear) of returns. Autocorrelation
function and tests of significance 'associates.
4. Autoregressive processes for stationary series of returns and
transforms associated with them.
/ Overview of analysis of the trend of stock market prices and moving averages

Full programme

/ Elementary theory of stochastic processes for stationary series
1. Recalls elements of probability 'for random vectors.
2. Transformation of univariate and multivariate random variables.
3. Gaussian and White Noise processes.
4. Brief introduction to non-stationary processes of type Random Walk
/ Empirical evidence of the observed time series
1. Empirical characteristics of the time series of financial returns.
Formulas combinations of multi-period returns.
2. The shape of the distribution of returns. Test of symmetry, kurtosis,
and normality .
3. The time dependence (linear and nonlinear) of returns. Autocorrelation
function and tests of significance 'associates.
4. Autoregressive processes for stationary series of returns and
transforms associated with them.
/ Overview of analysis of the trend of stock market prices and moving


Textbook on all topics of the course: GOZZI G., Taluni argomenti di Metodi Quantitativi per i Mercati Finanziari, Libreria Medico Scientifica , Parma, Edizione 2014 e materiale didattico integrativo reso disponibile durante il corso caricato sul sito docente.
Book for deepening:
Alexander, C. (2008), Quantitative Methods in Finance, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, England. http://npu.edu.ua/!e-book/book/djvu/A/iif_kgpm_Carol_Quantitative_Methods_in_Finance.pdf.pdf
De Luca , G. (2013), Metodi statistici per le decisioni finanziarie, Università Parthenope a.a. , 2011-2012, Napoli
Gallo G.M. e Pacini B. (2002), Metodi quantitativi per i mercati finanziari, Carocci Editore, Roma.
Di Fonzo T. e Lisi F. (2005), Serie storiche economiche. Analisi statistiche e applicazioni, Carocci editore, Roma
Laurini F. (2012) Elementi di analisi delle serie storiche finanziarie, Libreria Medico Scientifica , Parma
Pelagatti M.M. (2009), Statistica dei Mercati Monetari e Finanziari , Università Milano - Bicocca.
Proietti T. , Econometria Applicata, Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Udine. http://www.statistica.unimib.it/utenti/p_matteo/lessons/SSE/EcAppl_Dispense.pdf
Ruppert D. (2003), Statistics and Finance . An introduction, Springer, New York
Tsay, R.S. (2010), Analysis of Financial Time Series, Third Edition,Wiley, New York

Teaching methods

Acquisition of knowledge: oral lessons. In the course of the lessons will be
used to using Microsoft Excel and Gretl. Gretl is an acronym for Gnu
Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library. It is a software
package for econometrics that is easy to use and powerful enough. Gretl
is distributed as free software that can be downloaded from http://gretl.
sourceforge.net and installed on your personal computer
Acquisition of the ability to apply knowledge: Tutorials
Acquisition of judgment: During the course students will be encouraged
to identify strengths and weaknesses of the statistical tools.
Acquisition of learning skills: for each topic will be provided an illustration
of the problem to solve and will analyze critically the solutions adopted.
Acquisition of technical language: while teaching you will learn the
meaning of terms commonly used in the analysis of financial time series

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam is in written form.

Other information

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