cod. 1000112

Academic year 2014/15
2° year of course - Second semester
Stefano AZZALI
Academic discipline
Economia aziendale (SECS-P/07)
Type of training activity
42 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to analyze the national accounting standard for Financial reporting. The main topics are the objective and the structure of the financial reporting, the measurement criteria for the recognition of equity, earnings and their anaytical components.
a. Knowledge and understanding:
The course develop national regulation of financial reporting and propose a theoretical and technical analisys of the most important topics relating recognition and measurement of singular components of financial reporting. The course also develop the structure and the contents of balance sheet, income statement and notes. Finally, it analyse the fiscal regulation about the determination of income taxes. Students may understand the standard to determine accounting information and financial reporting.
b. Applying knowledge and understanding:
Students attending the course would be able to determine and analyse financial reporting of companies of manufacturing and non financial services industry, and to determine income taxes of the companies.
c. Making judgements:
Students attending the course would be able to individually satisfy problems related to the measurement of fixed assets, financial instruments, receviables and debts, inventories, financial statement schemes and the determination of income taxes.
d. Communication skills:
The course allows students to relate to Chief Financial Officer, internal and external auditors over topics about financial statements, financial reporting and income taxes.
e. Learning skills;
Students, with traditional lessos, execises and cases, develop skills to understand the contents of the course and use them at professional level.



Course unit content

1. international harmonization of financial reporting
2. the objective of financial reporting
3. the documents of the financial statements
4. tangible and intangible assets
5. financial instruments
6. inventories
7. reciviebles, debt and provision
8. income taxes

Full programme

National accounting principles for financial reporting that include these topics:
1. international harmonization of financial reporting
2. the objective of financial reporting
3. the documents of the financial statements
4. tangible and intangible assets
5. financial instruments
6. inventories
7. reciviebles, debt and provision
8. income taxes


Azzali S. (a cura di), Financial Reporting and Accounting Standard, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015.

Teaching methods

traditional lessons, exercise, seminars

Assessment methods and criteria

The ability assessment of the learning is verified with a written exam with open questions and exercises, equal weighted. Questions aim to appreciate the knowledge and understanding, the communication skills, technical skills and making judgments. Exercises aim to evaluate the applying knowledge.

Other information


2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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