Learning objectives
The course aims to provide tools for understanding the most innovative approaches to biological analysis of the genome and its function. The course provides insights into specific topics using the most current literature.
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Course unit content
What is a genome. Genetic mapping techniques. Physical mapping techniques. Sequencing of genomes. Eukaryotic genome characteristic revealed by genome projects-Identification of key functional sequences through the annotation process.
Description of various types of molecular markers (RFLP, SSR, AFLP, SNP and others)- Protocols and associated problems- Case studies and examples of the main applications of molecular markers: Making genetic maps, varietal identification, individual fingerprinting. Identify and clone genes responsible for diseases. "Marker-assisted selection" and "association mapping". Forensic applications
Full programme
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Brown TA, “Genomi” Edises (cap 1-9)
Greg Gibson and Spencer V. Muse,"Indroduzione alla Genomica" - Zanichelli (cap. 1,2,5)
Lewin B, et al. “ Il gene” Zanichelli ( cap. 4, 5, 23)
Teaching methods
Assessment methods and criteria
oral examination
Other information
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