Learning objectives
The course has the objectives to give to the students the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental notions concerning food and nutrition with particular attention to the pregnancy with indications about the dietary recommendations related to important disease during such period
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Course unit content
In the first part of the course discusses the nutritional aspects of foods ..
In the second part we discuss the requirements and dietary guidelines during pregnancy and the nurse.
The last part of the course is devoted to the differential characteristics of breast milk and cow's milk and dietary approach dysmetabolic syndrome and diabetes.
Full programme
1. Nutrients: “macro & micro”.
2. Foods. The one with higher nutritional interest .
3. Nutritional groups and characteristics.
4. Food requirements and diet indications for the “expectant mother” during the various phases (quarters)
5. Diet-therapy during pathological conditions of the pregnancy: diabetes
6. Mother’s milk and difference with cow’s milk.
7. La syndrome metabolic & diabetes : Dietetics’ approach
. “Linee guida “take reference to INRAN : www.inran.it
2. “ Dietoterapia e nutrizione clinica” Eugenio Del Toma
3. “Manuale di Nutrizione Applicata” Riccardi ed. Sorbona
4.” La nutrizione del bambino sano Faldella Pensiero Scientifico
Teaching methods
Direct instruction using multi-media supports and interactive discussions with the students.
Assessment methods and criteria
The test will be performed by answering in writing. The question may/will have multiple answers or open answers.
Other information
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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development
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