Learning objectives
The student must know the useful elements to make a correct diagnosis of pregnancy, how to properly date the pregnancy and know emotional and physical changes which the woman will undergo in the three trimesters.
The student must know how to establish a proper relationship with the pregnant woman and how to support her during the pregnancy by providing appropriate counseling. He must know the basics to provide a correct assistance to the physiological pregnancy by the point of view of the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health.
Full programme
Antenatal care : general concepts of the global assistance, the needs of pregnant women, pregnancy diagnosis (signs of presumption, probability, confidence)
The datation of the pregnancy.
Characteristics of the three trimesters.
The relational role of the obstetric during the pregnancy.
Counseling in the three trimesters of pregnancy
Folder of pregnancy, the first visit: reception of pregnant women, the obstetric examination, medical history, inspection, palpation, auscultation, exploration, the speculum examination.
Vital signs during pregnancy.
Weight gain
Leopold’s Maneuvers
Measurement of Symphysis Fundus
Fetal movements
Patient’s Preparation for Natural Childbirth
Linee guida Ministero della salute sulla gravidanza fisiologica
Pescetto, De Cecco, Pecorari -Ostetricia- vol. 1
Teaching methods
Lectures-Direct instruction using multi-media supports and interactive discussions with the students