Learning objectives
A sufficient acquaintance with the main topics of the philosophical debates in XVIth-XVIIIth centuries. Reading and learning ability, related mainly to philosophical texts; good acquaintance with philosophical terms and with different philosophical schools.
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Course unit content
From pity to market: reshaping of the will from Descartes to Destutt de Tracy.
In Descartes human will has a pivotal role either in the cognitive or in moral processes . With Antoine-Louis-Claude Destutt de Tracy’s ”Treatise on the will” (fourth part of the “Elements of ideology”) human will is seen as the principal tool in promoting human life inside civil society.
Full programme
In the first part the reading of some passages from the most important texts will provide a survey of the philosophical context of the topics dealt with in the second part of the course.
first part:
-Antology of philosophical texts from Renaissancce to I. Kant to download from the site of the course
-a Handbook of Modern Philosophy; suggested handbooks:
a) Storia della Filosofia diretta da M. Dal Pra, vol VII: La filosofia moderna dal Quattrocento al Seicento (chap. 16-18, 20-21, 23-25, 31-32); vol. VIII: Il Settecento (chap. 8-10, 15), , Milano-Padova, Vallardi-Piccin Nuova Libraria 1999
b) P. Rossi-A. Viano, Storia della filosofia. 3. Dal Quattrocento al Seicento, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1995 (chap. XX-XXI); 4. Il Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1996 (chap. II, IV, XII-XXIV)
c) N. ABBAGNANO, Storia della filosofia, Torino Utet, oppure Milano TEA vari anni di edizione: chapters from Descartes a Kant.
second part:
Per la seconda parte del corso:
-Antoine Destutt de Tracy, Trattato della volontà e de’suoi effetti, in G.B, Say, Trattato di economia politica, De Sismondi, Nuovi principi di economia politica, Destutt de Tracy, Trattato della volontà, Gius. Droz, Economia politica, Torino, Cugini Pomba 1854, pp. 798-957.
For students who can not attend the course:
students who can not attend the course are invited to use the recording of the lessons to be founfd in the web site of the course. In addition to the normal program:
-Descartes, Meditazioni filosofiche
first part:
-Antology of philosophical texts from Renaissancce to I. Kant to download from the site of the course
-a Handbook of Modern Philosophy; suggested handbooks:
a) Storia della Filosofia diretta da M. Dal Pra, vol VII: La filosofia moderna dal Quattrocento al Seicento (chap. 16-18, 20-21, 23-25, 31-32); vol. VIII: Il Settecento (chap. 8-10, 15), , Milano-Padova, Vallardi-Piccin Nuova Libraria 1999
b) P. Rossi-A. Viano, Storia della filosofia. 3. Dal Quattrocento al Seicento, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1995 (chap. XX-XXI); 4. Il Settecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza 1996 (chap. II, IV, XII-XXIV)
c) N. ABBAGNANO, Storia della filosofia, Torino Utet, oppure Milano TEA vari anni di edizione: chapters from Descartes a Kant.
Second part:
-Antoine Destutt de Tracy, Trattato della volontà e de’suoi effetti, in G.B, Say, Trattato di economia politica, De Sismondi, Nuovi principi di economia politica, Destutt de Tracy, Trattato della volontà, Gius. Droz, Economia politica, Torino, Cugini Pomba 1854, pp. 798-957.
Teaching methods
Final exam can be taken also by students who can not attend the course (see extended program below)
Assessment methods and criteria
The finals is oral; to be admitted to the exam the student is requested to prepare a paper on a topic (some topics) discussed in the philosophical text commented in the second part of the course (no more than 14.000 strokes). Papers are prepared autonomously, discussing eventually with the teacher the content of the second paper.
The oral proof is directed to establish the understanding of topics discussed.
30 cum laude: excellent, excellent and sound knowledge of the philosophical topics, excellent reasoning skill, high understanding of topics and reasoning, involvement discussions during the lectures;
30: very good, very good acquaintance with philosophical topics, ability in correctly and properly explaining and commenting philosophical textsi;
27/29 good, , good knowledge of philosophical topics, essentially proper ability in oral expression;
24/26: satisfactory knowledge of philosophical topics, even though not complete and with some inaccuracies;
21/23: acceptable knowledge of philosophical topics, even though superficial and with an improper way of oral expression;
18/21: passing, with problems in acquaintance with philosophical texts and improper way of oral expression;
> 18: insufficient, with evident and serious gaps in the knowledge of philosopphical topics and in oral expression as well.
Other information
Further informations and educational material in the web site of the course:
http://www.didaschein.net/corsiuniversitari/2018-2019/LAUREA TRIENNALE/
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