cod. 1006044

Academic year 2022/23
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Tirocinio nei ssd di riferimento della classe
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: NURSING AND OBSTETRICS MANAGEMENT

Learning objectives

It aims to raise awareness and understanding of the student the meaning of the quality system of a company health, the regional model, the procedures for verification of the system and the tools in use in structures.
At the end of the course the student should be able to draw up a procedure, use the knowledge gained to better provide evidence of outstanding quality in the companies.
It must also be able, in the light of the objective problems of an organizational nature of activating systems of quality assessment and improvement actions.


The examination of "Management and obstetric nursing", within which the module specification "Institutional accreditation of organizations and professionals" is hinged, can only be taken after the completion of the tests of "Health Management" and "Legal Aspects of the leading role. "It also requires a basic knowledge of quality systems in general and health care companies in particular.

Course unit content

The lessons as the main theme to deepen the Regional Quality System which is based on Accreditation of health facilities to guarantee the quality of performance. The Accreditation System relies on the general requirements and the specific requirements that facilities must possess. Particular importance is the system of formalization of commitments and how to monitor the processes and then describes the system of procedures, of structure, of the department.
The quality is also clearly seen in the verification tools: Surveys on the quality perceived by patients and ad hoc surveys (audits).
We will also outline the proposed clinical risk and their correlation with the quality system

Full programme

• Authorisation to health facilities
• Accreditation: the regional model
• The general and specific requirements
• The Quality Manual of the Departments
• Organization, function charts, indicators, product catalog,
• Perceived quality from the point of view of the citizens
• The organizational procedures
• Risk management
• Incident reporting and improvement actions


Normative references of reference and guidance documents for Institutional accreditation are available on the website of the Health Region of Emilia Romagna, while the Corporate documents can be downloaded from the intranet of the AOU of Parma.

Teaching methods

The teaching will be carried out not only lectures, but also with interactive teaching and presentation of procedures and communication tools in use in the Company University Hospital of Parma and other health care companies.
Working groups will allow students to have the opportunity to exchange views on specific cases in order to share the most appropriate way to highlight the improvement actions to be put in place.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination

Other information

The learning and the degree of preparation is verified by the preparation of an organizational procedure shared during the group work. The procedures will be presented and discussed with all participants in the course. Followed by a routine test on the dates of examination formulated with choice questions closed.

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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