cod. 1005882

Academic year 2021/22
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Scienze infermieristiche ostetrico-ginecologiche (MED/47)
Tirocinio nei ssd di riferimento della classe
Type of training activity
8 hours
of face-to-face activities
1 credits
hub: -
course unit

Integrated course unit module: LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE MANAGEMENT ROLE

Learning objectives

Teaching form aims to provide students contents of storical analisys of italian health law, with expecial referring to nursing and evolution of education, organization and responsibility as well as opportunities and limits of social medias.



Course unit content

The Laboratory provides for students work, single or in group, about deepending of italian nursing education and organization laws, professional responsibility and opportunities/limits af social media communication

Full programme

1) Legislation path for nursing and midwifery
2) Law evolution of nursing and midwifery professions
3) 40th anniversary of National Health System, between present and future
4) Informating consent, living will and professional responsibility
5) Health profession's specialist skills


Main textbook:

Luca Benci, Aspetti giuridici della professione infermieristica,
Ed. Mc Graw Hill 2015 (7ª ed.)

Additional textbook:

Carlo Calamandrei, Carlo Orlandi, La dirigenza infermieristica, Ed. Mc Graw Hill 2008

Teaching methods



Assessment methods and criteria

Mixed modality exam the student must demonstrate that he / she possesses the theoretical contents related to the individual teaching modules, as well as make the appropriate connections between them.

The test can be faced in 2 parts:

- The first one relating to legal disciplines (Public Law - Prof. Petraglia, Administrative Law - Prof. Pedrabissi, European Union Law - Prof. Inglese and EU Law Laboratory - Prof. Delsante) will be conducted with written tests multiple choice, conducted by computer in ELLY platform in presence.

- The second part will be with an oral exam, relating to the area of ​​professional responsibility (Legal Medicine - Prof. Grazioso, Laboratory of Legal Aspects of the Nursing and Midwifery Profession - Prof. Manici, Management and regulatory report - Prof. Iemmi / Lombardini) in on the basis of the provisions provided in the classroom in which the student will be required to demonstrate the ability to apply the theoretical lines learned to practical cases and ideas from healthcare company practice.

The first part always precedes the second (which cannot be tackled without having passed the first).

In case of a negative judgment of a part (average not sufficient or insufficiency on more than one module despite sufficient global average), this must be repeated.

AllƏ is given the right to support the two parts in a single day.

Other information

Nothing to report

2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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