cod. 1007874

Academic year 2018/19
1° year of course -
Academic discipline
Filosofia del diritto (IUS/20)
Type of training activity
18 hours
of face-to-face activities
3 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit


Learning objectives

The course aims to achieve a good command in computer and information technology and communication to perform activities of study and work.
The lessons, taking into account the initial knowledge base of students, will have as their objective the achievement of competence, skill and autonomy in the use of the software tool and the main applications in view of the formation of the jurist.
The aspects most closely linked to the legal sector (for example, drafting a thesis in law or finding legal precedents and normative references) will be within the program provided, at European level, to pass the ECDL test (ECDL - European Computer Driving Licence).
This setting will also allow students to earn a useful training for the eventual preparation of the official ECDL, at one of the accredited test centre.


no prerequisite

Course unit content

The course of Legal Logic, Argumentation and Informatics e-learning module will focus on the following subjects, for which one can refer to the analytical descriptions contained in the modules of the syllabus for the ECDL certificate (European Computer Driving Licence) according to the indications in the syllabus version 5.0:
- Basic concepts in information technology (ICT);
- Computer use and file management;
- Word processing;
- Computer networks, Internet and email;
- Use of databases and legal searches on internet;
- Basic concepts on IT security;
- Outline of the main features of Excel and PowerPoint.
The classes taught in e-learning mode will take place using the Microsoft Office 2010.

The same program concerns students of the previous academic years who have to take the exam of Legal Computer Science Module II, this course is currently taught as Legal Logic, Argumentation and Informatics e-learning module.

Full programme

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In support of the study material available on the Elly platform, in order to prepare for the exam it is recommended one of the manuals available to prepare the ECDL Full Standard (seven modules). Among the manuals on the market:
TIBONE, La Patente del Computer. Nuova ECDL con Windows 7 e Office 2010, Zanichelli, 2017.
LUGHEZZANI-PRINCIVALLE, Nuova ECDL Base + Full Standard Extension, volume unico, Hoepli, 2017-2018.
Or any other manual useful for the preparation of the ECDL FULL STANDARD (AICA).

Teaching methods

This course is taught in e-learning mode.

The study materials of legal informatics module II e-learning (Prof. Del Sole and Prof. Sarcinella) are available on the Elly platform at:

The same materials are valid both for students of the first year and for students of the fourth year.

Assessment methods and criteria

Theoretical and practical exam.
A final evaluation in thirtieths of the exam Legal Logic, Argumentation and Informatics e-learning module will do average with the evaluation reported in the Legal Logic, Argumentation and Informatics module I (Prof.ssa Zanichelli) for the purposes of the overall final evaluation on the whole exam.
The exams on module I and on the e-learning module have to be passed on the same day, without any priority order. The student who, after passing the exam on one of the modules, does not pass the exam on the other module in the same day (or if she/he is absent) will have to take the whole exam again.

Students holding a final certificate ECDL take only the part of the exam Legal Logic, Argumentation and Informatics e-learning module covering the search for legal documents in databases and on the Internet, while the remaining part of the program will be recognised. Students will have to register via the Internet (in the notes it is to be indicated the ECDL) and to exhibit the ECDL certification on the examination day.

Students of the past academic years who have to take the exam Legal Computer Science Module II, if they hold a final certificate ECDL, will have to take the exam Legal Logic, Argumentation and Informatics e-learning module only on the part concerning the search for legal documents in databases and on the Internet (corresponding to the content of the only folder number 3), while it will be recognised the remaining part of program, if they have acquired the frequency in the academic year 2015-2016 or in the following academic years; if instead they have acquired the frequency before the academic year 2015-2016 they will have fully recognised the exam Legal Logic, Argumentation and Informatics e-learning module (it will still be necessary the registration via the Internet and the exhibition of the certification on the day of the exam).

To take the exam, it is necessary that each student brings with her/him the day of the exam of e-credentials of the University "Appost @ perte", i.e. those formed by firstname.lastname @ and password.

Other information

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