cod. 1000859

Academic year 2016/17
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Microbiologia generale (BIO/19)
Discipline biologiche
Type of training activity
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

It allows students to focus on the problems and solutions necessary to understand the biology phenomena occurring in the bacteria.
It provides a multi-sectorial approach (chemistry, molecular biology, taxonomical steps) for an effective understanding of bacterial biology and evolution.


No prerequisite are needed

Course unit content

This course familiarizes students with concepts, techniques and issues related to microbial microbiology.
It provides students an understanding of main phenomena occurring in the microorganism world.

Full programme

1) Introduction to Microbiology
- microbiology
- prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
- microorganisms and their natural environments
- the impact of microorganism of humans
2) Macromolecules
- polysaccharides
- lipids
- nucleic acids
- amino acids and peptide bond
- proteins
3) Cell structure and functions
- microscopy and cell morphology
- cell membranes and cell walls
- microbial locomotion
- surface structures and inclusion of prokaryotes
4) Nutrition, laboratory cultures, and metabolism of microorganisms
- nutrition and culture of microorganisms
- energetic and enzymes
- oxidation-reduction and energy-rich compounds
- major catabolic pathways, electron transport and the proton motive force
- catabolic alternatives and biosynthesis
5) Microbial growth
- bacterial cell division
- growth of bacterial population
- environmental effects on microbial growth
6) Essential of molecular biology
- gene and gene expression
- DNA structures
- DNA replication
- RNA synthesis
- protein synthesis
7) Introduction to microbial taxonomy
- classical and molecular taxonomy
- the use of Bergey’s manual
- main bacterial groups
8) Genetics of microorganisms and overview of molecular biology
- Virus
- bacteriophages


Biologia dei Microrganismi, Deho', Galli, CEA

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson with projection of didactic material, copy of which is supplied to the student

Assessment methods and criteria

The appraisal is based on an oral examination, starting with the exposure of an argument chosen by the student, on which the teacher places the other questions on analogous topics and others parts of the course

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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