cod. 1007888

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
course unit

Learning objectives

The objectives of the course are to enable the
acquisition of knowledge and understanding: the mechanism of
proliferation and cell death and their alteration in the biology of tumours,
the pathogenesis of some human genetic and metabolic diseases with
their related essential notions of semeiotic and medical terminology, the
mechanism of innate and specific immune system, the pathogenesis of
the main immunopathologic diseases, the ABO blood and the rhesus (Rh)
blood groups, and problems related to blood transfusion.
Learning laboratory organization to the purpose of a proper interactions
between facilities (hospital ward-lab), analytical procedures
steps, with particular focus to the preanalytical phase (sample collection,
storage, processing and transporting biological samples). Acquiring
knowledge on the main clinical biochemistry analyses and execution
approaches of the analytical processes and on the
main diagnostic profiles, with special focus on pregnancy screenings.
General characteristics of the aetiological agents of the principal infectious
diseases(bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses) with particular interest in the
infectious diseasesof the obstetrical-gynaecological apparatus.
Allow the student to be able to know and understand the tools and the basic methodology to develop and use the own and specific concepts of hygiene in the prevention of infectious and non infectious diseases. Among the competences acquired, students will be able to: develop self-analysis of certain health risk factors, prevention strategies both individual and collective, and of interventions to preserve and promote the health of healthcare workers and users.


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Course unit content

General alteration of growth and death, cellular and molecular and
cellular oncology. Genetic and metabolic diseases and general
physiopathology. Blood and hematopoiesis and components of innate and
acquired immune system. General features of acute and chronic
inflammation and immunopathology. Basic in immunoemathology and
transfusional medicine.
Laboratory organization. The analytical phase. The biological sample.
Types of interference. Types of clinical biochemistry tests and analytical
approaches. Analytical profiles of functionality or of injuries to major
organs and systems. Analytical profiles during pregnancy.
General characteristics of the aetiological agents of the principal infectious
diseases(bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses) with particular interest in the
infectious diseasesof the obstetrical-gynaecological apparatus
Basic concepts of Public Health, epidemiology and preventive Medicine
Health care-associated infections Food hygiene-public health aspects (outline)
The main aspects of environmental hygiene, with particular reference to the quality of water for human use.

Full programme

See every single course


Parola M. “Patologia Generale” EDISES
Pontieri G.M. “Elementi di Patologia Generale” III edizione PICCIN
Pontieri G.M. Patologia generale e Fisiopatologia generale. III edizione
Costantini W., Calistri D., Ostetrica. Le basi scientifico - culturali. Vol. 1-2-
3. Ed. Piccin, 2013.
M.Galzigna, M.Plebani. Biochimica Clinica Generale. Edit. Piccin.
M.Ciaccio, G.Lippi. Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio. EdiSES
Ministero della salute: Linee Guida della gravidanza fisiologica (2011).
Linee guida per lo screening prenatale della trisomia 21.
Biochimica Clinica 2011; 35(3) 229.
01 Aprile 2015 “Raccomandazioni per l’esecuzione del test da Carico
Orale di Glucosio (OGTT)” GdS Diabete Mellito, Documenti ufficiali,
Barbuti, Fara, Giammanco et al. Igiene Medicina Preventiva Sanità Pubblica. Edises (2014)
Signorelli C. Igiene e sanità pubblica. Secrets. Domande e risposte. Editore SEU (2017
Teaching material provided by teacher

Teaching methods

The topics in the program will be presented and discussed through
lectures trying to involve the student so that it can be an active part of
the lesson.

Assessment methods and criteria

The achievement of the learning tasks will be assessed by an oral
evaluation related to the covered topics. The questions will assess
students’ knowledge and understanding of the contents, and if he is able
to apply the knowledge acquired in the practice of the profession. Failed
answer to one or more questions or proved insufficiency of the basic
knowledge on the subject will preclude the successful completion of the
exam. In case of completion of the exam, an evaluation that contributes
to the final grade of the course will be defined and it will be based on the
achievement of the objectives.

Other information

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2030 agenda goals for sustainable development

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