cod. 1011724

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - Second semester
Professor responsible for the course unit
integrated course unit
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The objective of the teaching is the development of advanced and updated knowledge of neuroscience; understanding the emotional dynamics implicit in social work with individuals and families; the acquisition and refinement of skills related to relational conflict management skills, in which we find ourselves inserted as people and as operators.
At the end of the course the students must
• develop awareness of the effects of empathy, management of emotions and relationships;
• knowing how to control dysfunctional emotional responses in the management of adverse situations;
• increase the ability to recognize and manage emotions within the organizational context and in daily life for the pursuit of resilience and for the fight against burnout;
• knowing how to define the forms of conflict as an irreducible dimension of the relationship
• learn conflict management techniques and tools



Course unit content

The course is divided into 3 modules:
The Emotions and Neurosciences module is aimed at deepening the neural mechanisms and brain circuits that regulate emotional, cognitive and relational function. The organizational principles underlying cognitive architecture and the phylogenetic and ontogenetic assumptions of their nervous realization will be presented. Ample space will be given to classical studies and to the most recent discoveries of the neurosciences of emotions.
In the Emotions, Organization and Burnout module the following topics will be explored: emotions and professionalism: personal skills, social skills and methodological skills;
occupational risks, organization and emotional contagion, emotional intelligence, resilience and contrast to burnout.
The Emotions in Conflict module provides for the discussion of topics aimed at promoting the construction of skills aimed at instrumenting and implementing conflict relationship management skills within the process of help, as a methodological professional process of social service, which is based on the relational. The conflictual dimension will be explored both in terms of the structure of relationships with the people with whom the social service operates, and in relation to the organizations in which the social worker finds himself inserted.

Full programme

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Please refer to the consultation of the texts in the individual modules

Teaching methods

Frontal lesson in presence and group work.
The slides will be used to support the lessons. The course will be accompanied by group work, simulations, roleplaying, brainstorming,
accompanying the students to the acquisition of that basic knowledge useful for the purpose of tackling the discipline itself.

Assessment methods and criteria


In evaluating the exam, the determination of the final grade will take into account the following elements:
• The ability to create critical links;
• The quality of the organization of the speech and presentation;
• The use of specialized vocabulary;
• The relevance of the answer.

Other information

Reception hours

Contact the teacher via email to make an appointment