cod. 1012153

Academic year 2024/25
1° year of course - First semester
Antonio D'ALOIA
Academic discipline
Diritto costituzionale (IUS/08)
Discipline giuridiche e analisi dei processi sociali
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with specialized knowledge regarding the complexity of the sustainability concept and its relevance in the contemporary global constitutional context, as well as the content and scope of the Agenda 2030 document, with a particular focus on the environmental/food issue. In addition, the objective of the course is to develop the student's critical thinking skills regarding issues and problems discussed, as well as to apply the acquired knowledge to real cases.


There are no required prerequisites. However, students having no previous knowledge of Constitutional Law should contact the instructor in advance.

Course unit content

The Part I of the course (Module A), titled "Agenda 2030 as Global Constitutional Law", aims to study Constitutional Law from a dynamic and global perspective, where the concept of sustainability presents a central relevance as a new keyword of 21st century constitutionalism. Particularly, the course will focus on: the impact of sustainability concept and the analysis of the new spatial/temporal dimensions of contemporary Constitutional Law; the issue of new legal subjectivities, such as future generations and the need to reconsider constitutional principles and public policies (at all institutional levels of competence) from a necessarily intergenerational perspective; the new instruments of Constitutional Law (sustainability leads to considering not only national constitutions but also other legal documents of global relevance, such as the Bruntdland Report 1987, the Rio Earth Summit documents 1992, the Declaration of the Rights of Nature, 2010); study and analysis of Agenda 2030 as a new global 'constitutional' program, which, through the principle of sustainability, holds together environmental, economic, social and democratic issues; the relationship of principle of sustainability with other principles-values of constitutional standing, such as solidarity, rationality, subsidiarity.

Full programme

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Study materials will be indicated by the professor and uploaded to the course's Elly platform during the course. PowerPoint presentations used during the lessons cannot be considered as educational materials and, consequently, will not be uploaded to Elly.

Teaching methods

The course will be held by lectures and seminars, with the participation of experts and interactive teaching activities, giving space for debate and involving students in the development of critical thinking. Therefore, students are invited to actively participate in the various teaching activities offered during the course, such as:
- Seminars with experts;
- Discussion on specific case studies: students will be required to read in advance and independently the materials provided before the lecture in order to promote debate during the lecture;
- Group work focused on the in-depth study of the 2030 Agenda goals.

Assessment methods and criteria

The exam will be held in written form.

Other information

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