cod. 04567

Academic year 2021/22
5° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Diritto internazionale (IUS/13)
A scelta dello studente
Type of training activity
Student's choice
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide some specialist knowledge on the law of international organizations. At the end of the course, students will have acquired the skills
- to know and critically evaluate the phenomenon of international organizations and, in particular, the substantive norms and procedural mechanisms that characterize the functioning of the United Nations and their limits;
- to grasp the main evolutionary trends and to independently deepen the study of other international organizations;
- to apply the acquired knowledge to concrete cases and to support their theses with appropriate language and arguments.


A good knowledge of the basic notions of public international law. Students enrolled in degree courses other than Law and who have not taken the exam in Public International Law in their previous university studies: they are invited to contact the teacher during her office hours to arrange the reading of preliminary texts to the preparation of the exam.

Course unit content

The course aims to analyze the phenomenon of international organizations, with particular reference to the United Nations and their contribution to the development of international law.

Full programme

The course is divided into two parts. The first part will illustrate the phenomenon of international organizations and their particular legal nature. In the second part of the course, attention will be focused on the organization of the United Nations, and, in particular, on the objectives, structure, functioning and acts of its organs. Finally, some hints will be reserved to the question of the responsibility of international organizations for international unlawful acts.


B. Conforti e C. Focarelli, Le Nazioni Unite, Dodicesima ed., Wolters Kluwer, Cedam, Milano, 2020, p. 1-61; 83-119; 177-375; 497-529.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons: 30 hours. Seminars: 6 hours.
During the seminars, the students, divided into groups, will analyze some cases taken from the practice of the United Nations. The outcome of their study and research activities will be presented and discussed on the last day of class.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Knowledge and understanding will be assessed with at least two questions aimed at verifying effective knowledge of the rules and procedures governing the powers of the United Nations bodies and and how they work.
The ability to apply knowledge and autonomy of judgment will be ascertained by inviting the student to discuss a concrete case dealt with in the manual ((non-attending students) or discussed in class (attending students).
The ability to communicate will be ascertained by assessing the student's ability to provide comprehensive definitions, to use the appropriate technical terminology and in providing comprehensive definitions.
Learning skills will be ascertained through a cross-sectional assessment of the answers provided to the questions as a whole. In the event that the health emergency continues and depending on how it evolves, the exam may take place in the presence, in mixed mode (i.e. in the presence, but with the possibility in remote mode for students who request it from the Teacher), or only online for everyone (in remote mode). The chosen examination method will be notified in advance on the Esse3 system.

Other information

Some topics will be treated by experts, as part of specially organized seminar meetings.