cod. 1008052

Academic year 2019/20
1° year of course - Second semester
Academic discipline
Storia della filosofia antica (M-FIL/07)
Attività formative affini o integrative
Type of training activity
30 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit

Learning objectives

Purpose of education is to provide a more complete picture of the
educational and philosophical thought in mind throughout the ancient philosophy, which, notoriously, goes from the sixth century BC to the 5th-6th century AD, both are charged that Christian. Educational processes will be considered present and been consolidated in ancient times paidéia the formation of man and of the citizen. So we'll talk about the medical education, of scientific education in General: psychological, physical and moral logic, metaphysics, that the various authors and the various philosophical schools have developed over the so-called Socratic periods: presocratico, , classic of Plato and Aristotle, to the Hellenistic period, epicure, stoic, skeptic, medioplatonico and neoplatonic, Christian, pagan who to reach both Proclus and Simplicius.


No prerequisite is required.

Course unit content

TITLE: Metaphysical education in ancient philosophy.
Philosophy is the setting and problem solving that life poses to humans. One of these, perhaps the most important, is that relating to the search for the causes and principles first of the whole reality. This is the metaphysical problem. How is resolved in ancient philosophy? How is it taught? The course will consider the main authors who have faced (insisting on "way" which also taught), from Parmenides, and from Socrates, by his disciple Plato and Aristotle, to Plotinus and Augustine.

Full programme

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-Class notes, with sheets distributed during lectures;
-A Platonic dialogue; eg. the Euthyphron, Protagoras, or Gorgias (by Stefania Nonvel Pieri), or the Timaeus; or book II De libero arbitrio of saint Augustine; or the Carneades (by Stefania Nonvel Pieri).

OPTIONAL TEXT: For your information list some of the major stories of ancient philosophy, at the University level, available in Italian: l. ROBIN, History of Greek thought, Mondadori, Milano 1978 ff.; G. REALE, History of ancient philosophy (there are various editions: by that, in five volumes, edited by Vita e Pensiero, Milano 1990 ss., that, in one volume, entitled history of Greek and Roman philosophy, published by Bompiani, Milano 2004 ff.); N. ABBAGNANO – G. FORNERO, History of ancient philosophy ..., Utet, Torino 2017 ss.; AA. (Various authors), Ancient philosophy, in 4 vols., edited, respectively, by M. BONAZZI, F. TRABATTONI, E. SPINELLI, R. CHIARADONNA, Carocci, Roma 2016-2018 ss.; A. KENNY, New history of Western philosophy, vol. 1, Ancient philosophy, Einaudi, Torino 2012 ss.; E. LAMANNA, History of ancient philosophy, Le Monnier, Firenze 1989 ss.;
L. GEYMONAT, History of philosophical and scientific thought, vol. I, Garzanti, Milano 1970 ss.; F. ADORNO, Ancient philosophy, Feltrinelli, Milano 1977 ff.; G. DE RUGGIERO, History of ancient philosophy, 2 vols., Universal Laterza, Laterza, Bari 1980 SS.

Might help some anthologies of steps commented on ancient philosophy. I will mention just two: M. BONAZZI, L. CARDULLO, G. CASERTANO, E. SPINELLI,Ff. TRABATTONI (editor), Ancient philosophy, Cortina, Milan 2005 ss.; D. PESCE, Texts of ancient philosophy ..., vol. The history of philosophy, Principality, Florence 1995 ss.

Teaching methods

Lectures and seminars, if possible, with discussions of texts and topics specific to the course and classroom presentation of chapters or parts of books in the bibliography.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination. Evaluation criteria: 18 thresholds, 27, 30, 24, of 30 and praise will be reached, respectively, following a good, decent and good enough understanding of the topics covered; and a similar enough, fair, good, excellent clarity and proficiency in the use of specialist vocabulary. The threshold of praise will add elements of originality or particular deepening of topics covered

Other information

Program and verification of learning mode are the same for students attending and not attending.