cod. 1001373

Academic year 2012/13
3° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Economia applicata (SECS-P/06)
Type of training activity
63 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
in - - -

Learning objectives

The course aims to examine some critical aspects of the Italian economy. In particular, it will esplore: 1) the economic paradigm called "Capability Approach", in its essential concepts of capabilities and functionings;
2) the processes of convertibility of resources, deepening the essential themes of organizational behavior;
3) the economic and social development, local policies, the evaluation of results



Course unit content

Income and human development. Capability approach. Organizational behavior

Full programme

Welfare theory
Ethics and welfare economics
Equality of what?
Freedom, acquisitions and resources
Justice and capacity
Welfare economics and inequality
Poverty and wealth
The demands of equality
The welfare indicators: per capita income and human development indices
Application of the theory of welfare and ethics in Italy: wellness fair
Application of the theory of welfare and ethics in business organizations:
individual differences and personality
working group and team
management and leadership
organizations as political entities
knowledge and learning
bureaucracy and post-bureaucracy
diversity management


Magni S. F., Etica delle capacità. La filosofia pratica di Sen e Nussbaum, il Mulino Ricerca, Bologna;

Nussbaum M. C., Creare capacità. Liberarsi dalla dittatura del Pil, il Mulino, Bologna (consigliato);

Kreitner R., Kinicki A., Comportamento organizzativo, Apogeo, Milano, edizione 2013;

Chiappero-Martinetti E. (a cura), Politiche per uno sviluppo umano sostenibile, Carocci editore, Roma

Undp, Sustainability and Equity. A Better Future for All. Human Development Report 2011,

Teaching methods

Traditional lecture

Assessment methods and criteria

Written test

Other information

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