cod. 1003010

Academic year 2013/14
2° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Discipline del servizio sociale
Type of training activity
36 hours
of face-to-face activities
6 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to enable students to acquire:
- Knowledge and skills for the construction of the project intervention of social service and the conduct of the helping relationship, with an approach that takes into account the person's family and community to which they belong;
- Skills in order to methodological procedure in the various duties assigned to professional social work, and knowledge for the use of the tools and techniques of professional social work;
- Skills aimed at ensuring the unity of professional intervention and the comprehensiveness of the approach to the needs of the individual, family, community.


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Course unit content

The helping process and tools of Social Service.
- Characteristics and dynamics in the professional relationship.
- Technical, professional and bureaucratic-administrative aspects of the helping process.
- Professional tools: the interview (with specific insights related to different operational contexts), the home visit, the group, and documentation.
- The analysis of the local context and assumptions of community work.
- Theoretical foundations and methodological aspects of networking

Full programme

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S. Miodini, M.T. Zini, Il colloquio di aiuto – Teoria e Pratica nel Servizio Sociale, Roma, Carocci, 2004.
S. Miodini, M.T. Zini, Il gruppo – Uno strumento di intervento nel sociale, Roma, Carocci, 1999.
R. Martini, A. Torti, Fare lavoro di comunità, Roma, Carocci, 5a ristampa, 2009.

Suggested books:
E. ALLEGRI, P. PALMIERI, F. ZUCCA, Il colloquio nel servizio sociale, Carocci, 2006
V. FABBRI, Il gruppo e l'intervento sociale. Progettare, condurre, valutare, Carocci, 2006 Codice
F. FERRARIO, Il lavoro di rete nel Servizio Sociale, Roma, Carocci, 1992.
S. FARGION, I linguaggi del Servizio Sociale, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
D. GALLI, Servizi sociali e giustizia minorile. Il quotidiano dell'assistente sociale: tra ascolto e documentazione, Franco Angeli, 2008
M. GONZO, A. MOSCONI, M. TIRELLI, (a cura di), L'intervista nei servizi socio-sanitari, Uno strumento conoscitivo e d'intervento per gli operatori, Cortina, Milano, 1999
C. KANEKLIN, Il gruppo in teoria e in pratica. Uno strumento per il lavoro psicologico, clinico e sociale, Cortina Libreria Milano, 1993
G. DE LEO – B. DIGHERA – E. GALLIZIOLI, La narrazione nel lavoro di gruppo. Strumenti per l'intervento psicosociale, Carocci, 2005
F. FERRARIO, Il lavoro di gruppo nel servizio sociale. Prospettive teoriche e metodi d'intervento, Carocci, 2001
G. BRAIDI, Il corpo curante. Gruppo e lavoro di équipe nella pratica assistenziale, Franco Angeli, 2002
G. PASQUI, Progetto, Governo, Società – Ripensare le politiche territoriali, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2005.
M. FERRARI, La frontiera interna, Welfare locale e politiche sociali, Academia Universa Press, 2010

Teaching methods

Lectures accompanied by work in subgroup / tutorials, plenary discussions and papers by the students.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral test on all required and one suggested books and personal work about a case.

These examinations will evaluate:
- the knowledge, of the topics explored, developed by the student during the course
- the ability to make appropriate connections between course topics and other disciplines
- the ability to identify essential elements on which to base a personal evaluation of the topics and difficulties explored and discussed during class
- the ability to apply acquired knowledge within one’s personal training and professional context
In the examinations, such knowledge and competencies will be assessed using open questions. In the examinations the questions will differ according to objectives and will tend to evaluate both students’ knowledge and ability to evaluate and apply this knowledge.
The assessment is considered sufficient when the student dimonstrates a complete understanding of the basic concepts and of the topics explored in class, including a sufficient ability to make connections and reflect on what has been learned.

Other information

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