cod. 1003000

Academic year 2012/13
1° year of course - First semester
Academic discipline
Sociologia generale (SPS/07)
Discipline sociologiche
Type of training activity
54 hours
of face-to-face activities
9 credits
hub: PARMA
course unit
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Learning objectives

The course aims to introduce students to the complexity of the profession of social work, offering a possible interpretation of social work, to have a knowledge of the social service in its historical evolution and in the current context, seeking the origins of the concepts of man and in a 'cultural-historical analysis of the needs and feedback systems of the company, in relation to the socio-economic and institutional.

Specific objective will be :- The principles and reference values ​​of the profession, from a perspective that takes more account of the European dimension and international connections, as well as inter-cultural problems posed by the significant changes that are affecting our population.
- The constitutional aspects of the profession: the theoretical, methodological approach and professional tools

The course aims to introduce students to the complexity of the profession, offering a possible interpretation of social work, to have a knowledge of the social service in its historical evolution and in the current context, seeking the origins of the concepts of man and in a 'cultural-historical analysis of the needs and feedback systems of the company, in relation to the socio-economic and institutional.

Specific objective will be to deepen
- The principles and reference values ​​of the profession, from a perspective that takes more account of the European dimension and international connections, as well as inter-cultural problems posed by the significant changes that are affecting our population.
- The constitutional aspects of the profession: the theoretical, methodological approach and professional tools


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Course unit content

The guide-lines and principles, values ​​and attitudes of professional social work
 equality and solidarity
; the Constitution
; the code of ethics of the social

The content of the intervention of the social worker needs and answers by the
 social intervention, motivation and subject
: marginality and exclusion

Elements of the history of care and social service
: the historical and cultural evolution of health care systems
 : charities, health, social security, subsidiarity, social services and integrated services.
Origins and development of social work in the Anglo-Saxon countries;
 origins and development of social services in Italy
 ; social service in the Italian welfare system since the 80s
The theoretical bases of the social service
: theoretical models to working with people; theoretical models to work with groups
;  theoretical models for social work with the community.

The methodological approach in social service

: stages of the proceedings methodological
 unity and differences in the various dimensions of social service

The tools of social service (notions):
- the interview
group work, in groups, with the groups;
- work for and with community;
- professional documentation.

Full programme

Thematic seminars.

Their purpose is to understand the main areas of activities of the social worker, the difficulties and problems to allow a greater awareness respecting the choice of studies that students have made

o The social secretary.

o The social service for families, children and adolescents in trouble: the social worker and the tasks of prevention and protection.

o The social service and people with disabilities: system support services and professional functions.

o The social service for people with mental health problems: the system of services and functions specific professional.
or interventions in favor of the adult persons in distress. The social services for older people.

o The social service for people in a position of dependency

o The Social Services for older peo


Dal Pra Ponticelli M., Pieroni G.,
Introduzione al servizio sociale. Storia, principi e deontologia, Carocci, Roma

Simonetta Filippini, Eliasabetta Bianchi,
Le responsabilità professionali dell’assistente sociale, Carocci Faber, 2013

Zini M.T., Miodini S., Il colloquio di aiuto, Carocci, Roma
Codice deontologico dell’assistente sociale, 2009 (dal sito dell’Ordine Professionale a.s.)

• ISTAT:La povertà in Italia, 2012 (aggiornamento 2013, se disponibile)
• Alan Twelvetrees: Il lavoro sociale di comunità. Come costruire progetti partecipati (Erickson, 2006)

Verranno inoltre messi a disposizione delle allieve e degli allievi i seguenti articoli non pubblicati:
 Giorgio Campanini, Per una storia dell’idea di eguaglianza;
 Nicolò Lipari, La cultura della solidarietà nella Costituzione italiana;
 Pietro Stefanini, Mandato istituzionale e mandato dato professionale

Teaching methods

There will be lectures by the teacher and seminars with the help of social workers working in different areas of activity in which is expressed the professionalism of social workers. On some issues will be proposed small group work

Assessment methods and criteria

Final assessment includes an interview on the course and the presentation of a paper written by the student on one of the themes proposed in the seminaries professionalizing.

Audits will cover the following areas of learning:

Knowledge and understanding (knowledge and understanding) of the issues and topics covered

• Knowledge and understanding applied (applying knowledge and understanding) to social services, in particular by combining the theoretical learning with seminars and tutorials

• Making judgments (making Judgements), in particular by providing interpretative hypotheses and personal reflections on the complex social issues presented during

• Communication skills (communication skills) as orally is able to represent the de-learning and knows how to write an essay of personal reflection on a specific topic of the job of the social

• Ability to learn, retain and further develop the learning, even in a personal way.

Other information

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