Learning objectives
The course analyzes the interactions between new technologies and their dissemination into modern production processes and production planning.
The study of structural and management interdependencies of technical and social systems also includes the issue of the impact of production on the environment
Course unit content
Principles on the methodology of complex systems.
Analysis of production processes.
Technology: definition and evolution.
Production processes: types and comparison among types.
Production systems: rigid / flexible and integrated production process.
Production and materials management.
Consiglieri C, Lineamenti di gestione della produzione industriale, Parma, 2011 MUP Ed. isbn 978-88-7847-379-9.
Iannaccone W, Il Management di produzione, Milano, 2003,Hoepli Ed. isbn 978-88-203-3038-5.
Chiacchierini E., Tecnologia e produzione, Roma, 2006, Ed. Kappa.