First cycle and single-cycle degree courses

Degree course
Chronological access
course in italian
class L-26

As you know, Parma is the capital of the Food Valley, and this course is part of a social, cultural and industrial fabric strongly oriented towards the production of quality food and the development of technological innovation for the food sector.

Quality, safety and sustainability are the keywords of the course teaching staff way of interpreting the world of food.

During your studies, you will be supervised by highly motivated teaching staff who are experts in the main disciplines required for the study of food (food technology, food microbiology, food chemistry, nutrition and food economics).

The teaching hub, which is located on the Science and Technology Campus, facilitates the use of laboratories with modern equipment.

There are also numerous interactions with the industrial world and the resulting opportunities to develop internships and dissertations at companies in the sector.

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Degree course
Free access
course in italian
class L-26

It is worth attending the degree course in Gastronomic Science if you love, with food, the land and its culture; if you want to defend the traditions of our land, crystallised in food, in dishes, in techniques for processing raw materials; if you want to express your potential by studying, and often discovering, the excellence of our regions, which are increasingly becoming a vehicle for Italian spirit and love of life around the world.

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Career-oriented degree
Chronological access
course in italian
class L-P02

The vocationally oriented degree course in 'Quality and Procurement of Raw Materials for Agri-Food' aims at training food graduates with a strong vocational orientation, experts in the evaluation, selection and procurement of raw materials for industry, catering and large-scale retail trade, who are able to guide the choices of actors in the food chain towards products suitable for use/processing. This professional figure will therefore represent the link between producers (agricultural sector) and other stakeholders in the supply chain, including consumers.

The didactic headquarters of the degree course is in Salsomaggiore Terme (PR) at Palazzo Tommasini

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Single-cycle degree course 5 years
Chronological access
course in italian
class LM-13

The main objective of the Single-cycle Degree Course in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology is to provide the graduate with the scientific basis and the theoretical and practical preparation necessary to work primarily as an expert in pharmaceuticals and health products in the relevant industry sectors and to exercise the profession of pharmacist or chemist after passing the relevant state examination.

Chimica e Tecnologia Farmaceutiche
Single-cycle degree course 5 years
Admission test
course in italian
class LM-13

The single-cycle degree course in Pharmacy offers training path comprising lectures, laboratory activities and professional internship activities aimed at providing the knowledge and skills in the chemical, pharmacological and technological fields proper to the pharmacist, an expert in pharmaceuticals and health products (cosmetics, dietetic and nutritional products, herbal medicines and medical-surgical aids) and a reference figure in the implementation of prevention and care measures to safeguard health.
