Teaching quality

Quality Assurance is an indispensable process that involves all those who work in the University, in which each individual's progress benefits the entire University and stimulates a fruitful confrontation to which it is necessary to aspire in order to make the social role played by the University effective and concrete.


  • defining quality policies in harmony and synergy with the University's strategic guidelines and reliable and robust procedures through which the governing bodies can implement them;
  • implementing activities to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of all the University's internal processes, first and foremost in the service of the quality of education and research;
  • creating awareness in all those who work in the University so that everyone's tasks are carried out competently and promptly, the services provided are effective, and a record is kept of what has been done to monitor and measure results.

For more information on Quality Assurance, please visit this page: https://www.unipr.it/en/AQ

Student Opinion Survey Questionnaire (OPIS)

The student opinion survey questionnaire (OPIS) is a tool designed to detect student opinion with a view to improving teaching, quality and the organisation of study courses and is an integral part of the evaluation system. For students, it is an important opportunity to make their voice heard and actively participate in the life of their course of study, as a guarantee of better Quality Assurance: this is why the University recommends that it be filled in punctually and accurately.

More information on the OPIS questionnaires can be found on the following page: https://www.unipr.it/didattica/i-corsi-di-studio/compilazione-del-questionario-di-valutazione-della-didattica-line

Organisation and responsibility for Course QA

Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ)

The Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ) is identified from among the Course Professors and has the function of monitoring and verifying the correct implementation of the improvement actions approved by the Course Council. In particular, the RAQ is responsible for:

1) verifying the effectiveness of the QA activities within the Degree Course;
2) collaborating, within the Review Group (RG), in drawing up the Annual Monitoring Form (SMA) and the Cyclic Review Report (RRC);
3) verifying the correct publication of the calendars of profit examinations, degree examinations, classes, seminar activities, if any;
4)verifying the publication of the syllabuses, the curricula of the teaching staff members, etc.;
5) raising the students' awareness of the role and functions of the RAQ;
6)receiving and take charge of any reports from students on critical issues concerning the correct performance of teaching activities.
If critical issues are reported, the President discusses them with any Professor involved, with the CPDS and, if necessary, discusses the critical issue with the members of the Course Council.
Finally, the Quality Assurance Manager (RAQ) has the function of monitoring and verifying the correct implementation of the improvement actions approved by the Course Council.

Prof. Paolo Santini
Phone: 0521-905211
E-mail: paolo.santini@unipr.it 


Students, as well as teaching staff members, PTA and external users, have a mailbox at their disposal to report a problem concerning teaching and organisational aspects or to ask for information to the Course Quality Assurance Manager:

Form for sending reports, complaints, suggestions, appreciations to the RAQ


Review Group

The Review Group (RG) is composed of figures from within the Course and has the task of guiding it towards the goal of continuous improvement of its results. The RG manages the process of self-evaluation, i.e. the process by which the degree course monitors its own performance and assesses its own results, according to the guidelines established by ANVUR. Its work takes the form of the compilation of an Annual Monitoring Form (AMS) and the drafting of the Cyclic Review Report (CBR), which is discussed within the Course Council and forwarded to the Quality Assurance Committee and the University Evaluation Committee.

Members of the Review Group:

Prof. Luigi Cristofolini
Prof. Paolo Santini (RAQ)
Dott. Marco Squarcia 
Dott. Roberto Simonetti  (student representative)


Single Annual Study Course Report Card

The Single Annual Study Course Report Card (Scheda Unica Annuale - SUA) is a functional management tool for the planning, implementation, self-assessment and re-planning of the Study Course. 

The Single Annual Course Report Cards can be viewed on the ministerial website UNIVERSITALY.

SUA CdS 2022-2023

Joint Committee of Teachers and Students


The Joint Committee of Teachers and Students (CPDS) is a permanent observatory on teaching activities. The SMFI Department's CPDS is composed of one Professor and one student from each of the department's degree programmes and is divided into sub-committees corresponding to the degree programmes belonging to the department.

Members of the CPDS for Degree Courses in Physics:

Prof. Massimo Ghidini massimo.ghidini@unipr.it
Prof. Luca Griguolo - luca.griguolo@unipr.it
Dott.ssa Ilaria Paliotti (student representative Second-cycle Degree) – ilaria.paliotti@studenti.unipr.it 
Sig. Steven Gentili (student representative First-cycle Degree) – steven.gentili@studenti.unipr.it

Unified Steering Committee of the degree course in Physics

The Steering Committee, which is composed of representatives of the Professors of the Physics courses of study and of representatives from the world of work, School and Research, ensures a constant link with the world of business, work and secondary education, in order to assess the performance of the courses of study, to draw up proposals for the definition and design of the course catalogue and the learning objectives, also promoting contacts for possible internships of students in companies and institutions.