Calendar of teaching activities

The calendar of teaching activities, approved by the Department Council, provides indications on the periods when classes are held and examination sessions, specifying the start/end dates of activities and any suspension intervals.
Important closures and deadlines are listed in the academic calendar published on the University website.


Calendario didattico A.A. 2024/2025


PRIMO SEMESTRE:       30.09.2024 - 17.01.2025  

SECONDO SEMESTRE:  03.03.2025 - 13.06.2025 

Sospensione per vacanze di Natale: dal 23.12.2024 al 6.01.2025 estremi compresi.
Sospensione per vacanze pasquali: dal 17.04.2025 al 22.04.2025 estremi compresi.  



SESSIONE INVERNALE:     20.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
SESSIONE ESTIVA:              16.06.2025 - 01.08.2028
SESSIONE AUTUNNALE:   18.08.2025 - 26.09.2025

Calendar of Lessons

A.Y. 2023/2024

First semester
FOR ALL: from October 2nd to January 19th, 2024

Second semester
FOR ALL: from March 4th to June 14th, 2024


Christmas holidays: from December 23rd, 2023 to January 7th, 2024
Easter holidays: from March 28th to April 2nd, 2024

Welcome day

On October 3rd, at 10:30 in the "Maxwell" room at the Physics building, the welcome lesson for the 1st year students will be held.

In the welcome lessons  students will have the opportunity to find out how the Master Degree Course in Pysics is organized, they will be explained how to deal with didactic, organizational and logistical problems and they will be provided with useful indications and suggestions to be able to organize and carry out their own path in the best possible way.