Quality assurance office

The Teaching Quality Service takes care of the organization of the teaching activities of degree programs related to the Department of Chemical Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability. It provides information on bureaucratic fulfillment regarding:

  • educational offerings
  • study plan
  • class schedule
  • examination dates
  • quality assurance processes


University Campus - PAD.02 - Biosciences Complex, Parco Area delle Scienze 11/a - 43124 Parma
Email didattica.scvsa@unipr.it
Tel. 0521 905613
Office hours:

Morning: Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Afternoons: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m.

Head of the Teaching Quality Service:
Claudia Caselli

Manager of the degree course:
To be defined


Toll-free number

800 904 084

Student registry office

E. segreteria.scienze@unipr.it
T. +39 0521 905116

Quality assurance office

T. +39 0521 905613
Office E.didattica.scvsa@unipr.it

President of the degree course

Prof. Claudio RIvetti
E. claudio.rivetti@unipr.it

Faculty advisor

Prof. Riccardo Percudani
E. riccardo.percudani@unipr.it

Career guidance delegate

Prof. Riccardo Percudani
E. riccardo.percudani@unipr.it

Erasmus delegates

Prof. Alessio Peracchi
E. alessio.peracchi@unipr.it

Quality assurance manager

Prof. Matteo Tegoni
E. matteo.tegoni@unipr.it

Tutor students

Dott.ssa Riva Elena
E. elena.riva2@studenti.unipr.it