Corso di Food safety and food risk management - Università degli Studi di Parma

If you are looking for a Second Cycle Degree Course at the forefront of the modern food sciences, and you want to acquire the ability to face the challenges posed by the modern food systems and learn deep skills in managing the safety of what we eat, we propose to you to become a Food Safety expert. It's possible through a regional course, fully taught in English, offered by a network formed by Universities of Parma, Bologna, Cattolica of Piacenza, Modena and Reggio Emilia, Ferrara. Emilia-Romagna region and, in particular, the Parma District represent an integrated ecosystem of food industries, research centres and public institutions fully dedicated to food (for this reason it's called 'food valley') and is the headquarter of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Foods have a direct impact on human health and well-being. They are the main way in which our body comes into contact with the external environment and with millions of different compounds. It becomes therefore essential for companies, control bodies and research centres to form specific figures dedicated to risk assessment and management of food risks. The Food Safety expert has a knowledge of European legislation in the sector and is linked to the global market, which poses logistical challenges and makes the guarantees on ingredients of the food chain less robust, leading to new safety risks.

Laurea magistrale
Accesso libero con verifica requisiti
corso in Inglese
classe LM-70
120 crediti


codice corso
Immagine generica

Avvisi dal corso

Corso di Studio
Notice on December 18th, 2024 FS&FRM Graduation

Dear students,
You can find here attached the notice reporting all the obligations and related instructions regarding students who intend to graduate on December 18th, 2024.

Notice on December 18th, 2024 FS&FRM Graduation

Corso di Studio
B2 English Level

Pre-enrolled students who don't have English B2 requisite can purchase the single course unit "Idoneità di Inglese B2" offered by Unipr.

See the attached notice for the details.

B2 English level - Food Safety and Food Risk Management

Referenti e contatti

Numero verde

800 904 084

Segreteria studenti


Servizio per la qualità della didattica

Manager della didattica:
Dott.ssa Caterina Scopelliti
T. +39 0521 905969
E. servizio
E. del manager

Presidente vicario del corso di studio

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi

Delegato orientamento in ingresso

Prof.ssa Maria Paciulli

Delegato orientamento in uscita

Prof.ssa Francesca Bot

Docenti tutor

Prof.ssa Maria Paciulli

Delegati Erasmus

Prof. Francesco Martelli

Referente assicurazione qualità

Prof.ssa Chiara Dall'Asta

Tirocini formativi

Prof.ssa Tullia Tedeschi - Unipr

Prof.ssa Paola Battilani - Università Sacro Cuore PC

Prof. Pietro Rocculi - Unibo

Prof. Emilio Stefani - Unimore

Prof. Nicola Marchetti - Unife